December 8, 2017

Faculty honored for years of service

More than 300 faculty were honored Nov. 30 for years of service to Purdue during the Faculty Service Recognition Luncheon, hosted by the Office of the Provost.

Honorees were those who, in 2017, have completed 10 or more years of service.  They are listed with their department or school.

10 years

Joerg Appenzeller, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kelley C. Bailey, Health and Kinesiology
Michele R. Buzon, Anthropology
Monica E. Cardella, Engineering Education
Giulio Caviglia, Mathematics
Indrajeet Chaubey, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Yong P. Chen, Physics and Astronomy
Gary J. Cheng, Industrial Engineering
Harold Kory Cooper, Anthropology
Chittaranjan Das, Chemistry
Jan E. Davis Nursing
Ulrike Dydak, Health Sciences
Bennett D. Elzey, Comparative Pathobiology
Mara Faccio, Management
Melissa M. Franks, Human Development and Family Studies
Jennifer L. Freeman, Health Sciences
Stephanie M. Gardner, Biological Sciences
Reuben R. Goforth, Forestry and Natural Resources
Jasmine D. Gonzalvo, Pharmacy Practice
Huseyin Gulen, Management
Qingyou Han, Engineering Technology
Ahmed Hassanein, Nuclear Engineering
Hock Gan Heng, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
John E. Hill, Educational Studies
Alami Ahmed Idrissi, Languages and Cultures
Mary E. Johnson, Aviation and Transportation Technology
Yaman Kaakeh, Pharmacy Practice
Jeffrey D. Karpicke, Psychological Sciences
Erika Birgit Kaufmann, Mathematics
Ralph Martin Kaufmann, Mathematics
Mohitosh Kejriwal, Economics
Daniel R. Kelly, Philosophy
Nicole L. Key, Mechanical Engineering
Kee Hong Kim, Food Science
Young L. Kim, Biomedical Engineering
Neil A. Knobloch, Youth Development and Agricultural Education
Nan Kong, Biomedical Engineering
Chad Laux, Technology, Leadership, and Innovation
Yuk Fai Leung, Biological Sciences
Ian C. Lindsay, Anthropology
Julie C. Liu, Chemical Engineering
Alfred J. Lopez, English
Dawn Gay Marsh, History
Carlos J. Martinez, Materials Engineering
Robert P. Marzec, English
Andrew L. Mccart, New Albany Polytechnic
Gary T. Mcfall, Computer Science
Michael McNamara, Visual and Performing Arts
Kevin Mumford, Economics
Evgeniy Narimanov, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Daniel V. A. Olson, Sociology
Sonak D. Pastakia, Pharmacy Practice
Alice L. Pawley, Engineering Education
Nancy Pelaez, Biological Sciences
Yvonne M. Pitts, History
Manushag Powell, English
Li Qiao, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Tiantian Qin, Statistics
Timothy L. Ratliff, Comparative Pathobiology
Jeffrey Frederick Rhoads, Mechanical Engineering
Xiulin Ruan, Mechanical Engineering
Michael R. Saunders, Forestry and Natural Resources
Vicki L. Simpson, Nursing
Damon C. Sisk, New Albany Polytechnic
Tatyana S. Sizyuk, Nuclear Engineering
Valeryi Sizyuk, Nuclear Engineering
Deborah A. Spoerner, Nursing
Farzad Taheripour, Agricultural Economics
Xavier Michel Tricoche, Computer Science
Cary D. Troy, Civil Engineering
Mitchell R. Tuinstra, Agronomy
Hong Holly Wang, Agricultural Economics
Mark Daniel Ward, Statistics
Jason A. Ware, Honors College
William R. Watson, Curriculum and Instruction
Kellie Jones Weddle, Pharmacy Practice
Dawn E. Wetzel, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Wei Xie, Physics and Astronomy
Yoon Yeo, Industrial and Physical Pharmacy
Haiyan Henry Zhang, Engineering Technology
Hao Zhang, Statistics
Fu Zhao, Mechanical Engineering

15 years

Nicoletta Adamo, Computer Graphics Technology
S. Dorsey Armstrong, English
Saurabh Bagchi, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jennifer L. Bay, English
Tithi Bhattacharya, History
Cale A. Bigelow, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Akiko O. Brennan, Languages and Cultures
Cornelius L. Bynum, History
Ignacio G. Camarillo, Biological Sciences
Brenda M. Capobianco, Curriculum and Instruction
Min Chen, Mathematics
Qingyan Chen, Mechanical Engineering
Zhixiang Chen, Botany and Plant Pathology
Barbara A. Cicholski, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Tracy L. Clark, English
Prabuddha De, Management
Rupa C. De, Biological Sciences
Carole B. Dehaven, Health and Kinesiology
Joseph C. Dorsey, Interdisciplinary Studies
David R. Foster, Pharmacy Practice
Alexander L. Francis, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Andrew M. Freed, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science
Ronald J. Glotzbach, Computer Graphics Technology
William G. Graziano, Psychological Sciences
George J. Hollich, Psychological Sciences
Suresh Jagannathan, Computer Science
Gurmukh S. Johal, Botany and Plant Pathology
William G. Johnson, Botany and Plant Pathology
Chang H. Kim, Comparative Pathobiology
Ann L. Kirchmaier, Biochemistry
Timothy Lescun, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Yanjun Li, Management
Maren T. Linett, English
Shuang Liu, Health Sciences
Yung-Hsiang Lu, Electrical And Computer Engineering
Robert P. Lucht, Mechanical Engineering
Chengde Mao, Chemistry
Stephen Martin, Economics
Tesfaye D. Mengiste, Botany and Plant Pathology
Samuel P. Midkiff, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Saeed Mohammadi, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Song I. No, Languages and Cultures
Bartlomiej P. Rajwa, Bindley Bioscience Center
Leigh S. Raymond, Political Science
Willie M. Reed, Veterinary Medicine
Jennifer C. Richardson, Curriculum and Instruction
Jean-Christophe Rochet, Medicinal Chemistry/Molecular Pharmacology
Leonid P. Rokhinson, Physics and Astronomy
Paul Ryan Schneider, English
Mark E. Shaurette, Construction Management Technology
Jie Shen, Mathematics
Jennifer M. Simpson, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Nikolai R. Skrynnikov, Chemistry
Ganesh Subbarayan-Shastri, Mechanical Engineering
John D. Sundquist, Languages and Cultures
Howard E. Sypher, Communication
James E. Tisdale, Pharmacy Practice
Jennifer M. William, Languages and Cultures
Chong Xiang, Economics
Yan Ping Xin, Educational Studies
Fenggang Yang, Sociology
Tonglin Zhang, Statistics

20 Years

Steve Abel, Engagement
Emily L. Allen, English
Elena E. Benedicto, English
Michael Abram Bergmann, Philosophy
Antonio Bobet, Civil Engineering
Clark A. Cory, Computer Graphics Technology
John J Deely, Statistics
Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, Engineering Education
Natalia Doudareva, Biochemistry
Duane D. Dunlap, Engineering Technology
Joel R. Ebarb, Liberal Arts
Nancy E. Edwards, Nursing
Donna M. Fekete, Biological Sciences
Dina F. Felluga, English
John C. Finnegan, New Albany Polytechnic
John William Fritch, Libraries
Robert J. Frosch, Civil Engineering
Joan R. Fulton, Agricultural Economics
Rado Gazo, Forestry and Natural Resources
April J. Ginther, English
Robert L. Givan, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sandor Goodhart, English
Rao S. Govindaraju, Civil Engineering
Jonathan M. Harbor, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Peter M. Hirst, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Peter J. Hollenbeck, Office of the Provost
Joseph A. Ismail, Hospitality and Tourism Management
Harold P. Kirkwood, Libraries
Matthew J.M. Krane, Materials Engineering
Michael L. Leasure, Aviation and Transportation Technology
Zhiyuan Li, Computer Science
Julie R. Mariga, Computer and Information Technology
Jiqin Ni, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Nolie K. Parnell, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte, Physics and Astronomy
Sandra F. San Miguel, Veterinary Medicine
James R. Saunders, English
Guofan Shao, Forestry and Natural Resources
Riyi Shi, Basic Medical Sciences
Scott D. Sudhoff, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Steven B. Thompson, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Marion T. Trout, Purdue Bands and Orchestras
Linda L. Vanderkolk, Visual and Performing Arts
Phillip J. Vanfossen, Education
Susan G. Watts, Management
Christine M. Weber, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Alexander Wei, Chemistry

25 years

Patricia A. Boling, Political Science
Thomas H. Brush, Management
Thomas K. Capozzoli, Kokomo Polytechnic
Marius D. Dadarlat, Mathematics
Alexander Gluhovsky, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Bruce R. Hamaker, Food Science
Marilyn A. Hirth, Educational Studies
Martin A. Lopez-De-Bertodano, Nuclear Engineering
Robert E. Mahorney, Visual and Performing Arts
Elizabeth T. Maynard, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
James E. McClure, Mathematics
Pamala V. Morris, Agriculture
John J. Nash, Chemistry
Mary Lou Poole, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Kenneth D. Ridgway, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Juan E. Santos, Mathematics
Robert W. Sovinski, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Mathew P. Stephens, Technology, Leadership, and Innovation
Kevin D. Taylor, Kokomo Polytechnic
James Mark Thom, Aviation and Transportation Technology
Andrew M. Weiner, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bernard W. Wulle, Aviation and Transportation Technology
Sai Kee Yeung, Mathematics

30 years

Marianne J. Boruch, English
David C. Bridges, Biological Sciences
Patricia Davies, Mechanical Engineering
John P. Denton, Engineering Technology
Nancy L. Denton, Engineering Technology
Saul B. Gelfand, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Timothy J. Gibb, Entomology
Patricia Hart, Languages and Cultures
Jean-Pierre V. M. Herubel, Libraries
James D. Jones, Mechanical Engineering
Janice R. Kelly, Psychological Sciences
Gregore Koliantz, Agronomy
Jane E. Krause, Pharmacy Practice
Thomas Kuczek, Statistics
Jeffrey R. Lucas, Biological Sciences
Aditya P. Mathur, Computer Science
Richard Stockton Rand, Visual and Performing Arts
Nicholas Kregotis Rauh, Languages and Cultures
Shripad T. Revankar, Nuclear Engineering
Karen R. Sanders, Nursing
Eugene H. Spafford, Computer Science
Dorothy Teegarden, Nutrition Science
Barbara Younger-Rossmann, Psychological Sciences

35 years

Howard Adler, Hospitality and Tourism Management
Mikhail J. Atallah, Computer Science
Zarjon Baha, Construction Management Technology
Freddie L. Barnard, Agricultural Economics
Jeffrey T. Bolin, Research and Partnerships
Leslie N. Csonka, Biological Sciences
Michael N. Dana, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Robert L. Geahlen, Medicinal Chemistry/Molecular Pharmacology
Peter B. Goldsbrough, Botany and Plant Pathology
Jeffrey L. Gray, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Susanne E. Hambrusch, Computer Science
Alka R. Harriger, Computer and Information Technology
Marietta L. Harrison, Medicinal Chemistry/Molecular Pharmacology
Kathleen Howell, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Gerald C. Hyner, Health and Kinesiology
Eileen J. Kladivko, Agronomy
Gerald J. Lynch, Economics
David G. Meyer, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Robert L. Nielsen, Agronomy
S. Suzanne Nielsen, Food Science
John A. Patterson, Animal Sciences
Mark A. Russell, Youth Development and Agricultural Education
Darrell G. Schulz, Agronomy
Steven A. Scott, Pharmacy Practice
Thomas M. Sellke, Statistics

40 Years

Myrdene Anderson, Anthropology
Timothy G. Baker, Agricultural Economics
Rodney J. Bertolet, Philosophy
James K. Binkley, Agricultural Economics
George M. Bodner, Chemistry
James M. Caruthers, Chemical Engineering
Raymond A. Decarlo, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Craig L. Dobbins, Agricultural Economics
James Francis Doyle, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Peter Dunn, Entomology
William E. Field, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Paul Michael Hasegawa, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Patricia Y. Hester, Animal Sciences
Andrew S. Hirsch, Physics and Astronomy
Lauren E. Iten, Biological Sciences
Michael R. Ladisch, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Ronald P. Lemenager, Animal Sciences
Larry L. Murdock, Entomology
Shimon Y. Nof, Industrial Engineering
Charles S. Ross, English
Freydoon Shahidi, Mathematics
Terry S. Stewart, Animal Sciences
Jon A. Story, Nutrition Science
Wallace E. Tyner, Agricultural Economics

45 years

Stephen Robert Byrn, Industrial and Physical Pharmacy
Otto C. Doering, Agricultural Economics
Dale M. Forsyth, Animal Sciences
Shaun F. D. Hughes, English
Leonard M. Lipshitz, Mathematics
Cary A. Mitchell, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

50 years

Yeong E. Kim, Physics and Astronomy
Stephen Robb, Communication
Herman Rubin, Statistics
Harry R. Targ, Political Science

55 years

Louis De Branges, Mathematics

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