In Revision

Landscape Plants for Wet Areas (In Revision) (HO-227-W)
Purdue Extension Publication
This publication lists and briefly describes landscape plants that are suitable for the specific site conditions of wet soil. These lists can serve as a guide, but are not intended to be exhaustive. Many other plants may grow well in wet soil conditions besides the ones on the list.
Landscape Plants for Moist to Slightly Moist Areas (In Revision) (HO-226-W)
Purdue Extension Publication
This publication lists and briefly describes landscape plants that are suitable for the specific site conditions of moist to slightly moist soil. These lists can serve as a guide, but are not intended to be exhaustive. Many other plants may grow well in moist to slightly moist soil conditions besides the ones on the list.
Landscape Plants for Sandy Soils (In Revision) (HO-225-W)
Purdue Extension Publication
This publication lists and briefly describes landscape plants that are suitable for the specific site conditions of sandy areas. These lists can serve as a guide, but are not intended to be exhaustive. Many other plants may grow well in sandy conditions besides the ones on the list.
Landscape Plants for Areas with Full Sun (In Revision) (HO-223-W)
Purdue Extension Publication
This publication lists and briefly describes landscape plants that are suitable for the specific site conditions of full sun. These lists can serve as a guide, but are not intended to be exhaustive. Many other plants may grow well in full sun conditions besides the ones on the list.
Landscape Plants for Shady Areas (HO-222-W)
Purdue Extension Publication
This publication lists and briefly describes landscape plants that are suitable for the specific site conditions of shady areas. These lists can serve as a guide, but are not intended to be exhaustive. Many other plants may grow well in shady conditions besides the ones on the list.