Our team Split Happens played against Bowling Problem Monday afternoon at Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl for Week 3 of the Purdue Staff and Students league. We won one of three sets and high individual game, resulting in a tie with 4 points. This placed our team in 6th for the week. In the Men’s category,[Read More…]
Dr. Senay Simsek, Department Head and Professor; Department of Food Sciences, Purdue University “Overview of the Food Science Department at Purdue” Thursday September 22, at 3:30pm, HORT 117 or join via Zoom. Abstract: Imagine a world. . .Where all of the earth’s raw agricultural products are utilized for nourishing every human being, imagine turning those[Read More…]
The HLA Department participated in the Rainbow Callout on September 6 at the Co-Rec. The booth handed out carnations and other HLA swag to attendees. A special thank you to the Widhalm Lab, especially George Meyer, Thiti Suttiyut, and Mearaj Shaikh for preparing the flowers and being at the booth. Thanks also goes out to[Read More…]
Thursday, September at 3:30pm in PFEN 241 and via Zoom. Dr. Jeongim Kim – Horticultural Sciences Department, University of Florida. “Metabolic Networks Linking Plant Growth and Stress Adaption” Abstract: Plants produce various metabolites derived from amino acids. Many of them, including plant hormones and defense compounds, play crucial roles in plant growth and development, and[Read More…]
Carlos A. López Manzano is a visiting scholar who joined the Meyers’ lab in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture. He has a B.Sc. in Environmental Science and Development from Zamorano University, Honduras, and a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from the University of El Salvador, El Salvador. During his visit, he will be involved[Read More…]
We congratulate Kirby Kalbaugh on a well-earned promotion that will have him spending his time supporting HLA and the College on research data needs. This promotion is in recognition of the exceptional support Kirby has provided to HLA and the College over the last several years that have helped to advance our research mission. While[Read More…]