Student Achievement Awards
Outstanding Graduate Student in Research Award
This award is given annually to an outstanding PULSe graduate student in research.
Nominations are made by PULSe faculty to the PULSe Office in the Spring Semester. Requests are made by PULSe annually.
Deadline: March 1st- The student will be contacted to submit application materials, with details on how to submit and by what date.
- All application materials should be submitted electronically.
- Only currently enrolled students are eligible to apply.
- Applicants must have successfully completed the PULSe Preliminary Examination to be eligible to apply.
The award winner will be determined by several faculty reviewers. These faculty reviewers will be selected in the spring semester by the Associate Dean in the Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs and the Director of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs. The major professor of the award winner will serve as one of the reviewers following the award year, if a conflict of interest does not exist.
Award amount: $350
Outstanding Graduate Student in Teaching Award
This award is given annually to an outstanding PULSe graduate student in teaching.
Nominations are made by PULSe faculty to the PULSe Office in the Spring Semester. Requests are made by PULSe annually.
Deadline: March 1st- The student will be contacted to submit application materials, with details on how to submit and by what date.
- All application materials should be submitted electronically.
- Only currently enrolled students are eligible to apply.
- Applicants must have completed at least two semesters of teaching to be eligible to apply.
The award winner will be determined by several faculty reviewers. These faculty members will be selected in the spring semester by the Associate Dean in the Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs and the Director of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs. The major professor of the award winner will serve as one of the reviewers following the award year, if a conflict of interest does not exist.
Award amount: $300
Publication of the Year Award
The PULSe Publication of the Year awards are given annually to recognize the most outstanding publications produced by PULSe students and to emphasize the importance of sharing research with the scientific community.
Nominations are made by PULSe faculty to the PULSe Office in the Spring Semester. Requests are made by PULSe annually.
Deadline: March 1st- The student will be contacted to submit application materials, with details on how to submit and by what date.
- All application materials should be submitted electronically.
- Only currently enrolled students are eligible to apply.
- Articles are eligible for submission only if they have been published sometime between January 2016 and January 2017.
The award winners will be determined by several faculty reviewers. These faculty members will be selected in the spring semester by the Associate Dean in the Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs and the Director of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs. The major professor of the award winner will serve as one of the reviewers following the award year, if a conflict of interest does not exist.
The faculty will evaluate submissions based on the quality of the journal, impact of the study, and the contributions of the student to the research documented in the article.
Award amount: $150
- Achievement Awards
- Student Achievement Awards