Candidate Communications
Candidates for degree should expect to receive the following communications from the Commencement team in the Office of the Registrar:
First E-mail -- You have been identified as a candidate for degree this semester. Watch for more...
Second E-mail -- The Commencement task list will be open this week. Watch for it…
Third E-mail -- Reminder about cap & gown deadline to order before late fee….
Fourth E-mail -- Confirm we have you marked as “Coming to commencement”…
Fifth E-mail -- Confirm newly “Coming to commencement” or new “Not coming” or no response.
Sixth E-mail -- Confirm new “coming”, “not coming” or no response.
Seventh E-mail -- Ticket master confirmation of number of tickets and when to expect ticket link
Eighth E-mail -- Day of commencement information
Ninth E-mail -- Diploma information
Note: Depending on when you were added to the candidate roster for the term, you may not get all nine e-mails. Please consult with your academic advisor if you have questions.