June 2017

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We dedicate this edition of the Colombia-Purdue newsletter to Dr. Leah H. Jamieson, the John A. Edwardson Dean of Engineering and the Ransburg Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Leah is one of the first people who believed in all of us. With her energy, leadership, and wisdom, she has challenged us, invested in us, and helped us grow. She has been our most steadfast champion as we explored, nurtured, and grew strong and trusting collaborations – collaborations that have helped define how a land-grant university can engage a country and create significant mutual impact.

Thank you, Leah, for helping us make the Colombia – Purdue dream come true.

In the Spotlight

Dean Leah Jamieson: A mentor without borders

This is the story of Dean Leah Jamieson, which is intrinsically linked to the inception of a bilateral partnership that has transformed the strategic vision of a land grant university (Purdue) while impacting a whole nation (Colombia).  Read more>>

About You


Five Colombian Purdue Alumnae that are breaking new grounds on a daily basis

Purdue has been Alma Mater for many outstanding women from all disciplines and nationalities. It is estimated that over 50 Colombian females have finished their graduate studies at Purdue University in the last decade. Here, we will focus on the inspirational stories of five female boilermakers that are transforming Colombia in their daily lives by setting the bar "one brick higher" through education, research, and industry advancements.  Read more >>


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Happening Now


Congratulations to our recent graduates!

In the second week of May, 15 Colombian students graduated from undergraduate and graduate programs at Purdue. Featuring them on our newsletter is our way to say Congratulations! and to support them in their new path. Their stories may serve as inspiration or as a source of new opportunities, read them all! We will keep featuring them every month.  

This month we present 3 new Doctors and 1 new Mechanical Engineer:


Andrés Ignacio Díaz Cano
PhD in Material Science and Engineering
Story >>

Luis Ernesto Beltrán Forero
PhD in Biological Sciences
Story >>



Juan Manuel Uribe Pérez
BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Story >>

Omar Guerra Fernández
PhD in Chemical Engineering
Story >>



Did you know?


Peter Santa María Álvarez

"I enjoyed my life so much, I didn't notice it was ending"

If Peter Santa María Álvarez's life could be described with just one word, that word would be excellence. From his always-impeccable attire to his successful academic career, he strived for nothing but the best. Mr. Santa María dedicated most of his professional life to the advancement of education in Colombia.  Read more >>


did you know

Cool at Purdue

Purdue-affiliated startup developing non-invasive, effective contact lenses and glasses to treat glaucoma, prevent blindness.    Read more>>

How Purdue's BioWall provides buildings with a breath of fresh air: BTN LiveBIG.    Read more>>

Purdue alumnus wins world’s foremost prize for food, agriculture .    Read more>>

Purdue University ranks 12th among top 100 worldwide universities granted U.S. patents for 2016.   Read more>>


Colombia Purdue in the News

* EAFIT y Purdue, una amistad tejida desde la academia   >>

* Curso construcción de guitarras eléctricas, un espacio para el intercambio cultural y transferencia de conocimiento   >>

* Purdue Professor Honored by Chamber of Commerce   >>




*Purdue Calendar >>

*Purdue Sports >>

*Purdue Alumni Events >>

*Save the Date! >>


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This newsletter was developed by: 
Natalia Siegert, Clara Vásquez-Mejía, HyungJoo Kim and Maria Uribe