Fall 2024 trainings have been announced! New this year - online, self-paced training in Brightspace! We are offering Advanced in-person trainings each month.  More information on all training opportunities can be found here.
Let us know if you found the virtual Feature Spotlight Series helpful!  Whether or not you atteneded, please take a few minutes to complete this feedback survey
Are you intersted in having BoilerConnect training for your unit?  We are happy to come to you and train your team!  We can cover topics like documentation best practices, using BoilerConnect to manage caseloads, practive student interventions and more.  To request a training, please contact boilerconnect@purdue.edu.

Training and Resources

BoilerConnect has many features that can help create efficiencies while also supporting students effectively.  We're here to help you learn about these features and teach you how they can be incorporated into your daily operations.  

We offer several resources for staff and faculty, including Advisor Facilitated Interventions for advisors to use in their proactive advising practices.  Resources for students are also available and can provide a quick view of what the student sees for staff and faculty.   

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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