Published Papers

  1. To know more about the findings of our research team, check the complete bibliography of the following papers:
  2. (1)Li, Zhen* and Hutzel, William, (2018), Optimization and Evaluation of a Botanical Air Filtration System in a Residence, Proceedings of the 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, IN, July 8-12, 10 p.

  1. (2) Torres, Jacob*, Hutzel, William, Hyde, Anthony, and Garcia, Jose, (2018), Growing Aesthetics in the Biowall, Proceedings of the 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, IN, July 8-12, 10 p.

  1. (3) Newkirk, Daniel, Hutzel, William, Dana, Michael, and Qu, Ming, (2015), Energy modeling of a botanical air filter in energy efficient residences, ASHRAE Transactions, Vo1 121, Pt. 1, 8 p.

  1. (4) Newkirk, Daniel, Hutzel, William, Dana, Michael, and Qu, Ming, (2014), Energy modeling of a botanical air filter, Proceedings of the 3rd International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, IN, July 14-17, 8 p.
  1. (5)   Dunham, Brent, Hutzel, William, and Hahus, Ian, (2014), Biowall: A Sustainable Approach to Indoor Air Quality, Proceedings of the 2014 ASHRAE Annual Meeting, New York, NY, 8 p.

  1. (6)   Rodgers, K.L., Handy, R.L., and Hutzel, W.J. (2013). Indoor air quality (IAQ) improvements using biofiltration in a highly efficient residential home, The Journal of Green Building, Vol. 8, pp 22-27.

  1. (7)   Rodgers, Kevin, Hutzel, William, and Dana, Michael, (2012), Biofiltration in a Highly Efficient Residential Home, Proceedings of 2012 Purdue High Performance Buildings Conference, West Lafayette, IN.

  1. (8)Team, Purdue ECT, "PURDUE’S BIOWALL" (2018). ECT Fact Sheets.Paper 234.

  1. (9) Rodgers, Kevin L.; Hutzel, William; Dana, Mike; and Handy, Rod, "Can Plants Save Money: A Look At The Biowall" (2012). International High Performance Buildings Conference. Paper 71.
  • (10) Alraddadi, Osama, Leuner, Hannes, Rajkhowa, Bhargav, Boor, Brandon, Dana, Michael, and Hutzel, William (2016), Air cleaning performance of a biowall for residential applications, Proceedings of the 4th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, IN, July 11-14, 10 p.

  • (11) Rajkhowa, Bhargav, Alraddadi, Osama, Mietusch, Reinhard, and Hutzel, William, (2016), Biowall for Improved IAQ in Residences, Proceedings of the 2016 ASHRAE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 8 p.

To view all “P3: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet (2013)” publications on “Biowall’s Impact on Indoor Air Quality and Energy” click the following link.



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