Pedestrian guidelines
Pedestrian and bicycle paths frequently intersect on campus. Always be respectful of bicyclists and electric or motor powered vehicles (EMPVs) using bicycle or multi-use paths and infrastructure on campus. Treat a cycle track, multi-use path, bike path or lane as you would a road, look both ways before crossing, and yield the right of way to bicycles or EMPVs in paths or bike lanes. Do not walk in the bike lanes or on the cycle tracks. Typically, sidewalks are gray colored concrete while bike/EMPV infrastructure is made of asphalt tile or black asphalt. Watch for signage and pavement markings to indicate where to walk and where to ride.
Both bicyclists/EMPV operators and pedestrians should remain alert to their surroundings. Bicyclists/EMPV operators should use an audible signal (e.g., bell or verbal warnings) to alert pedestrians of their presence.
Safety tips
- Be seen; make eye contact with vehicle operators at intersections
- Be predictable - Don't walk in the street
- Cross the street only at marked crosswalks
- Obey traffic signals and signage
- Look both directions before crossing roads or bicycle routes
- Don't text while crossing roadways, bicycle or EMPV routes or any intersections
- Don't stand or walk in bicycle routes if avoidable
- Don't wear headphones that keep you from hearing what is happening around you.