Peer Success Coaching

The Peer Success Coaching (PSC) Program provides Purdue undergraduate students with an opportunity to meet one-on-one with a trained coach. PSCs support students as they navigate the college environment and learn to succeed academically, socially, and personally.

Connect With A PSC

During the semester-long program:

  • You're matched and assigned a personal PSC for the entire semester
  • You'll have consistent one-on-one meetings with your PSC
  • You'll sign a coaching agreement that outlines program expectations and guidelines

Interested in joining the program for the Spring semester? Complete the request form below-

Spring 2025 Request Form

What Is A Peer Success Coach (PSC)?

A PSC is a consistent point-person who can offer guidance to students as they navigate life at Purdue. PSCs receive training on coaching their peers through many of the same challenges they have faced. They function as guides, listeners, and motivational partners, but not as tutors, instructors, parents, or academic advisors.

They are here to listen to your concerns, point you in the right direction, and help you set (and achieve) your own academic, social, and personal goals while at Purdue. Because they are peers, PSCs work as a neutral party to help students gain insight and ideas.

PSCs can guide you through...

  • Studying for exams
  • Connecting with campus resources and academic advisors
  • Finding motivation
  • Getting involved in campus activities and organizations
  • Managing your time
  • Exploring career options
  • Applying for student employment
  • And more!

Location: ET 314E

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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