Category |
Number of Characteristics |
Description |
ADV Campus |
10 |
(OBSOLETE) A campus code identifies the place where a student is ADV registered. The campus code digit is also the first digit in the department code. |
ADV Major |
791 |
(OBSOLETE) A major study code is specific to a campus and a registration school. Therefore, the major characteristic key is made from: 1) a single character campus code, followed by a dash; 2) a three character major code, followed by a dash; and 3) a three character registration school code. (The major and registration school codes can contain embedded spaces.) |
ADV Registration school |
46 |
(OBSOLETE) Registration school is the one in which the student is registered. |
ADV Student classification |
22 |
(OBSOLETE) The student classification indicates enrollment progress. |
ADV Student status |
9 |
(OBSOLETE) Student status indicates registration condition. |
Affiliation |
29 |
These are singular characteristics or ones with a group too small to warrant special identification. |
Appointment type |
63 |
This alphanumeric code is defined by Human Resources to indicate the type of appointment. |
BannerClassification |
13 |
Banner Classification |
BannerLevel |
3 |
Banner Level |
BannerMajor |
1457 |
The BannerMajor is set if the user has a major in any of primarycurriculummajor, primarycurriculumsecondmajor, secondcurriculummajor, or secondcurriculumsecondmajor (WL Banner only) |
BannerPrimaryCampus |
20 |
Banner Primary Campus |
BannerPrimaryCollege |
95 |
Banner primarycurriculumcollege (WL Banner only) |
BannerPrimaryDegree |
134 |
Banner primarycurriculumdegreesought (WL Banner only) |
BannerPrimaryMajor |
1457 |
Banner primarycurriculummajor (WL Banner only) |
BannerPrimaryMajorSecond |
1457 |
Banner primarycurriculumsecondmajor (WL Banner only) |
BannerPrimaryProgram |
932 |
Banner primaryprogram (WL Banner only) |
BannerSecondCampus |
20 |
Banner Second Campus |
BannerSecondCollege |
95 |
Banner secondcurriculumcollege (WL Banner only) |
BannerSecondDegree |
134 |
Banner secondcurriculumdegreesought (WL Banner only) |
BannerSecondMajor |
1457 |
Banner secondcurriculummajor (WL Banner only) |
BannerSecondMajorSecond |
1457 |
Banner secondcurriculumsecondmajor (WL Banner only) |
BannerSecondProgram |
932 |
Banner secondprogram (WL Banner only) |
BannerStatus |
3 |
Banner status |
BannerStudenttype |
3 |
Banner studenttype |
Campus |
15 |
A campus code identifies the place where a student is registered or the department of affiliation is located. The campus code digit is also the first digit in the department code. |
Contracts and Licensing |
32 |
Characteristics for use by ITaP Contracts and Licensing to determine eligibility for software purchase plans. |
Course |
78918 |
(OBSOLETE) The course code indicates the department, course, division, and section in which a student is enrolled. |
Department |
644 |
This four character code defines the University department with which an employee is affiliated. The leftmost character indicates the associated campus code. Note: a department name may map to more than one code. |
ETR Campus |
10 |
(OBSOLETE) A campus code identifies the place where a student is ETR registered. The campus code digit is also the first digit in the department code. |
ETR Major |
1695 |
(OBSOLETE) A major study code is specific to a campus and a registration school. Therefore, the major characteristic key is made from: 1) a single character campus code, followed by a dash; 2) a three character major code, followed by a dash; and 3) a three character registration school code. (The major and registration school codes can contain embedded spaces.) |
ETR Registration school |
78 |
(OBSOLETE) Registration school is the one in which the student is registered. |
ETR Student classification |
39 |
(OBSOLETE) The student classification indicates enrollment progress. |
ETR Student status |
5 |
(OBSOLETE) Student status indicates registration condition. |
EmployeeGroup |
24 |
The EmployeeGroup code indicates the SAP employee group for am employee. |
ID card sequence |
10 |
The ID card sequence number indicates the current valid sequence number for the ID card. |
Job |
1868 |
The Job code indicates the SAP job for an employee. |
Major |
2695 |
(OBSOLETE) A major study code is specific to a campus and a registration school. Therefore, the major characteristic key is made from: 1) a single character campus code, followed by a dash; 2) a three character major code, followed by a dash; and 3) a three character registration school code. (The major and registration school codes can contain embedded spaces.) |
OrgUnit |
1813 |
The OrgUnit code indicates the SAP department for an employee. |
Position |
1796 |
(OBSOLETE) This seven character item defines the University position code, described in Business Office Memorandum 193, dated June 1, 1999. |
Registration school |
87 |
(OBSOLETE) Registration school is the one in which the student is registered. |
Regular |
3 |
Positions for Purdue staff are classified as Regular ('R'), Non-regular ('N') or not otherwise classified ('X'). A person in a regular position is eligible for most University benefits. A person in a non-regular position may or may not be eligible for University benefits, depending on the staff appointment type. |
Staff type |
19 |
(OBSOLETE) This type code comes from fifth character (from the left) of the University position code, described in Business Office Memorandum 193, dated June 1, 1999. |
Student classification |
29 |
(OBSOLETE) The student classification indicates enrollment progress. |
Student status |
13 |
(OBSOLETE) Student status indicates registration condition. |