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I2A2 Characteristics

Characteristics are divided into the following categories:

Category Number of Characteristics Description
ADV Campus 10 (OBSOLETE) A campus code identifies the place where a student is ADV registered. The campus code digit is also the first digit in the department code.
ADV Major 791 (OBSOLETE) A major study code is specific to a campus and a registration school. Therefore, the major characteristic key is made from: 1) a single character campus code, followed by a dash; 2) a three character major code, followed by a dash; and 3) a three character registration school code. (The major and registration school codes can contain embedded spaces.)
ADV Registration school 46 (OBSOLETE) Registration school is the one in which the student is registered.
ADV Student classification 22 (OBSOLETE) The student classification indicates enrollment progress.
ADV Student status 9 (OBSOLETE) Student status indicates registration condition.
Affiliation 29 These are singular characteristics or ones with a group too small to warrant special identification.
Appointment type 63 This alphanumeric code is defined by Human Resources to indicate the type of appointment.
BannerClassification 13 Banner Classification
BannerLevel 3 Banner Level
BannerMajor 1457 The BannerMajor is set if the user has a major in any of primarycurriculummajor, primarycurriculumsecondmajor, secondcurriculummajor, or secondcurriculumsecondmajor (WL Banner only)
BannerPrimaryCampus 20 Banner Primary Campus
BannerPrimaryCollege 95 Banner primarycurriculumcollege (WL Banner only)
BannerPrimaryDegree 134 Banner primarycurriculumdegreesought (WL Banner only)
BannerPrimaryMajor 1457 Banner primarycurriculummajor (WL Banner only)
BannerPrimaryMajorSecond 1457 Banner primarycurriculumsecondmajor (WL Banner only)
BannerPrimaryProgram 932 Banner primaryprogram (WL Banner only)
BannerSecondCampus 20 Banner Second Campus
BannerSecondCollege 95 Banner secondcurriculumcollege (WL Banner only)
BannerSecondDegree 134 Banner secondcurriculumdegreesought (WL Banner only)
BannerSecondMajor 1457 Banner secondcurriculummajor (WL Banner only)
BannerSecondMajorSecond 1457 Banner secondcurriculumsecondmajor (WL Banner only)
BannerSecondProgram 932 Banner secondprogram (WL Banner only)
BannerStatus 3 Banner status
BannerStudenttype 3 Banner studenttype
Campus 15 A campus code identifies the place where a student is registered or the department of affiliation is located. The campus code digit is also the first digit in the department code.
Contracts and Licensing 32 Characteristics for use by ITaP Contracts and Licensing to determine eligibility for software purchase plans.
Course 78918 (OBSOLETE) The course code indicates the department, course, division, and section in which a student is enrolled.
Department 644 This four character code defines the University department with which an employee is affiliated. The leftmost character indicates the associated campus code. Note: a department name may map to more than one code.
ETR Campus 10 (OBSOLETE) A campus code identifies the place where a student is ETR registered. The campus code digit is also the first digit in the department code.
ETR Major 1695 (OBSOLETE) A major study code is specific to a campus and a registration school. Therefore, the major characteristic key is made from: 1) a single character campus code, followed by a dash; 2) a three character major code, followed by a dash; and 3) a three character registration school code. (The major and registration school codes can contain embedded spaces.)
ETR Registration school 78 (OBSOLETE) Registration school is the one in which the student is registered.
ETR Student classification 39 (OBSOLETE) The student classification indicates enrollment progress.
ETR Student status 5 (OBSOLETE) Student status indicates registration condition.
EmployeeGroup 24 The EmployeeGroup code indicates the SAP employee group for am employee.
ID card sequence 10 The ID card sequence number indicates the current valid sequence number for the ID card.
Job 1868 The Job code indicates the SAP job for an employee.
Major 2695 (OBSOLETE) A major study code is specific to a campus and a registration school. Therefore, the major characteristic key is made from: 1) a single character campus code, followed by a dash; 2) a three character major code, followed by a dash; and 3) a three character registration school code. (The major and registration school codes can contain embedded spaces.)
OrgUnit 1813 The OrgUnit code indicates the SAP department for an employee.
Position 1796 (OBSOLETE) This seven character item defines the University position code, described in Business Office Memorandum 193, dated June 1, 1999.
Registration school 87 (OBSOLETE) Registration school is the one in which the student is registered.
Regular 3 Positions for Purdue staff are classified as Regular ('R'), Non-regular ('N') or not otherwise classified ('X'). A person in a regular position is eligible for most University benefits. A person in a non-regular position may or may not be eligible for University benefits, depending on the staff appointment type.
Staff type 19 (OBSOLETE) This type code comes from fifth character (from the left) of the University position code, described in Business Office Memorandum 193, dated June 1, 1999.
Student classification 29 (OBSOLETE) The student classification indicates enrollment progress.
Student status 13 (OBSOLETE) Student status indicates registration condition.

The entire list of characteristics is also available as a flat file.

The entire list of macros is also available as a flat file.

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