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Name Value Number
B B 22095
IG IG 22094
LF LF 22093
EF EF 22092
SF SF 22091
Engr Tech & Nursing ZQ 22090
PS PS 22089
College of Engineering EE 22088
UC UC 22087
SG SG 22086
N N 22085
HE HE 22084
Technical Graphics Technology TG 22083
Polytechnic Institute PI 22082
H H 22081
Z5 Z5 22080
EV EV 22079
ST ST 22078
SNR-School of Nursing SN 22077
EP EP 22076
PC PC 22075
HH HH 22074
Home Economics Z2 22073
Pre-major PM 22072
Community Outreach ZD 22071
NC Community College ZY 22070
00 00 22069
Electrical Engineering ZS 22068
Unclassified ZZ 22067
Engr Mgmt & Technology ZV 22066
Hu Ed & Soc Sci ZH 22065
School of Visual and Perf Arts VP 22064
School of Veterinary Medicine VM 22063
Veterinary Technology V 22062
Exploratory Studies US 22061
University Division UD 22060
Unit of Affiliated Programs UA 22059
College of Technology T 22058
SPP-Professional Programs SP 22057
Science - IUPUI SI 22056
College of Science S 22055
Pre-Pharmacy PP 22054
Physical Education PE 22053
Div of Publ and Env Affairs PA 22052
School of Pharm & Pharmtcl Sci P 22051
Organiztl Ldrshp & Supervision OS 22050
Division of Org Lead and Super OL 22049
School of Nursing NR 22048
School of Nuclear Engineering NE 22047
ND ND 22046
Mechanical Engr Technology MT 22045
School of Materials Engr MS 22044
Mechanical Technology MR 22043
School of Mechnical Engr ME 22042
School of Management M 22041
Liberal Arts & Soc Sci LS 22040
School of Land Surveying Engr LE 22039
Division of Labor Studies LB 22038
College of Liberal Arts LA 22037
Industrial Technology IT 22036
School of Industrial Engr IE 22035
School of Interdisciplnry Engr ID 22034
School of Health Sciences HS 22033
Graduate Studies GR 22032
GP GP 22031
GNS-General Studies GN 22030
Forestry F 22029
College of Education EU 22028
ET ET 22027
EMS-Engineering Math & Sci EM 22026
Electrical Engr Technology EL 22025
Engineering Technology-IUPUI EI 22024
College of Engineering & Tech EG 22023
School of Education ED 22022
School of Elec & Computer Engr EC 22021
First Year Engineering E 22020
Developmental Studies DS 22019
Doctor of Pharmacy DP 22018
Division of Continuing Studies CS 22017
Computer Technology CP 22016
Construction Engineering Mgmt CN 22015
Computer Integrated Manufctrng CM 22014
School of Chemical Engineering CH 22013
Computer Graphics Technology CG 22012
College of Consumer & Fam Sc CF 22011
School of Civil Engineering CE 22010
School of Business BU 22009
College of Business BS 22008
School of Biomedical Engr BE 22007
Building Construction & Cntrct BC 22006
Aviation Technology AT 22005
School of Arts and Sciences AS 22004
School of Aero and Astro Engr AE 22003
School of Agr and Bio Engr AB 22002
College of Agriculture A 22001

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