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Identity and Access Management

I2A2 Characteristics


These are singular characteristics or ones with a group too small to warrant special identification.

Name Value Number
Authenticated SMTP Revoked R-ASMTPE 13697
Authenticated SMTP Eligible ASMTPE 13696
Non Employee Boilerkey Eligible IAM 4 13695
HRSS Characteristic 4 HRSS 4 13694
HRSS Characteristic 3 HRSS 3 13693
HRSS Characteristic 2 HRSS 2 13692
HRSS Characteristic 1 HRSS 1 13691
PAL Access Revoked PAL Access Revok 13690
IAM Characteristic 3 IAM 3 13689
Sponsored for Cdigix (OBSOLETE) Cdigix 13688
IAM Characteristic 2 IAM 2 13687
IAM Characteristic 1 IAM 1 13686
Student Organization Leadership Student Organiza 13685
Virtual Private Network (VPN) eligible (OBSOLETE) Virtual Private 13684
oPAL Eligible (OBSOLETE) oPAL Eligible 13683
Registered for ResNet ResNet 13682
Toll-free Dialup Eligible Toll-free Dialup 13681
Dialup Eligible Dialup Eligible 13680
Wireless Access (PAL) Eligible Wireless Access 13679
Affiliated with WRRC (OBSOLETE) Affiliated WRRC 13678
Enrolled in a WebCT Course (OBSOLETE) Enrolled WebCT 13677
MSCA Eligible Student (OBSOLETE) MSCA Eligible St 13676
MSCA Eligible Retiree (OBSOLETE) MSCA Eligible Re 13675
MSCA Eligible Employee (OBSOLETE) MSCA Eligible Em 13674
Emerita or Emeritus Faculty Emerita or Emeri 13673
Retiree Retiree 13672
Student Eligible to Register ETR 2
Current Student Student 1
Employee Employee 0

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