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I2A2 Characteristics


The EmployeeGroup code indicates the SAP employee group for am employee.

Name Value Number
Visiting Faculty/Emeritus Faculty (Y) Y 13124
Temporary Clerical/Service (X) X 13123
Temporary A/P (W) W 13122
Student (V) V 13121
Service (U) U 13120
Residence Hall Counselor (T) T 13119
Post Docs/Interns/Resident (S) S 13118
Fire/Police Admin (R) R 13117
Police (Q) Q 13116
Operations Assistant (O) O 13115
Non-Pay (N) N 13114
Non Exempt Professional (M) M 13113
Mgmt/Professional (L) L 13112
Limited Term Lecturer (K) K 13111
Graduate Student (J) J 13110
Fire/Police Mgmt (I) I 13109
Fire/Police (H) H 13108
Fellowship Pre Doctoral/Other (G) G 13107
Fellowship Post Doctoral (F) F 13106
Faculty (E) E 13105
Continuing Lecturer (D) D 13104
Clinical/Research (C) C 13103
Clerical (B) B 13102
Admin/Professional (A) A 13101

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