
Concerned about a student?

Part of our work at the Office of the Dean of Students is to ensure Purdue faculty and staff have access to the resources they need to help students who may be facing challenges in their academic or personal lives. 

If this is an emergency that requires immediate attention, please dial 911.

Faculty, staff, students or others concerned about a student's behavior are encouraged to report the concern to an appropriate University representative, the Office of the Dean of Students, or submit a Student of Concern Report.

A student of concern is any student who displays behaviors that may interfere with the student's ability to be successful or function well in the living, learning, or work environment. Some examples of concerns to report may include but are not limited to:

  • Uncharacteristic poor academic performance or excessive class absenteeism
  • Homesickness, loneliness, difficulty adjusting to university life
  • Flat affect or extreme lack of responsiveness
  • Disruptive behaviors in the classroom
  • Concerning online or social media posts
  • Observed self-injurious behavior, such as extreme thinness, burns, or cuts
  • Unexplained aggression toward others
  • Exhibiting behaviors that create concern in vague or general ways
  • Substance abuse or being under the influence of illicit drugs
  • Major life events including loss of a relationship, change in financial status, evaporating support network
  • Threatening words or actions toward faculty, staff, or students
  • Projects or papers that convey possible intentions to harm self or others
  • Suicidality, including threats, gestures, ideation, and known attempts of suicide
  • Possession or infatuation with fire, firearms, bombs, ammunition, or weaponry

To ensure the Purdue Community can have resources readily available, the Office of the Dean of Students has created a Student of Concern Reporting Guide. To request a Student of Concern Reporting Guide, complete the request form

Are you looking for a quick reference guide to helping students on Purdue's campus? Download the Student of Concern Reporting Guide or email to request copies of this document.