August 16, 2017

Purdue to host eighth annual Conference for Pre-Tenure Women

The Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence in collaboration with the Office of the Provost will hold the eighth annual Conference for Pre-Tenure Women on Sept. 7-8.

Since 2010, the conference has helped women in higher education from Purdue and other national institutions not only achieve promotion and tenure but also develop career strategies and networks useful for moving into further promotions and into different academic areas. Although this conference focuses on women in pre-tenure, clinical and postdoc positions, the strategies and insights offered by the keynote speakers and panelists in the breakout sessions are useful for women at different points in their academic careers. Men are welcome to participate. 

Keynote presentations will be made by:

* Jessica Bennett, award-winning journalist and critic, on "Welcome to the Feminist Fight Club: Tools for Battling Workplace Sexism -- in Academia and Beyond."

* Beronda L. Montgomery, the MSU Foundation Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Microbiology and Molecular Genetics in the Department of Energy Plant Research Laboratory and assistant provost for faculty development -- research at Michigan State University, on “Cultivating a Career: Defining and Navigating a Personal Road Map Towards Career Success.”

Registration, which must be completed by Sept. 6, is available here. Cost for the conference:

* General registration by Sept. 1: $175

* General registration after Sept. 1: $225

* Purdue graduate students and postdocs registration: $50

Pre-tenure faculty at Purdue should email the Butler Center at for special pricing.

More information, including the conference schedule and panel sessions, is available online

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