Mentees & Mentors

Tell me more about M&M

We all need advice from time to time. The Mentees & Mentors Program, or M&M as we like to call it, gets undergrad women engineers together as a big group once a month for fun, conversation, networking and advice! M&M is designed for you to build a network with other women engineering students while learning timely personal and professional strategies to help you be successful in the classroom and on the job. Mentoring relationships are key for sharing and receiving helpful advice about engineering, college life and successful preparation for the future. 

Individuals of all races, genders and backgrounds are welcome. All events and activities are held in person.

Mission of the M&M program
Mission of the M&M Program

Our mission is to retain women undergraduate students in engineering through a dynamic and nurturing mentoring program (Mentees & Mentors or M&M). We support, affirm and strategically educate the program's participants and student leaders. We offer meetings and activities designed to sustain and strengthen mutual mentoring relationships as well as benefit the individuals. The objectives for the Mentees & Mentors Program are to: 

  • enhance personal support of students through contacts with women role models (including peers, alumni, and industry partners) and an interactive, mutually-beneficial peer mentoring program.
  • build confidence in students through affirmation of their skills and values.
  • share effective strategies that enable students to thrive in college, leading to successful completion of their engineering education and preparing them for future endeavors.

The services and resources we provide add a unique and vital dimension for women engineering students at Purdue.

Learn more about M&M in West Lafayette

The M&M program is based on a network-mentoring model where all participants learn from one another. All participants attend our large M&M Monthly Meetings where we have dinner together, enjoy a guest speaker, engage in fun networking activities and gain professional skills and strategies for success. These meetings are held once a month on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings so you can pick the day that works best for your schedule. Meetings run from 6-7:30 p.m.

One-to-one (1:1) mentoring - Paired mentoring can enhance your experience and help guide you on a path for success. M&M participants can apply to participate in an optional 1:1 mentoring relationship. FYE participants (mentees) are paired with an upperclass participant (mentors) in their same major for personalized mentoring. Pairs are expected to meet once per week during the academic year. Limited spaces available. 

M&M social events - To help participants build their engineering community, monthly social events are also held. Join us for bowling, board game night, movies, trivia, arts and crafts, and more fun events!

The program has been intentionally designed to offer the greatest opportunity for participant growth and success. Benefits include community building, networking and mentoring, as well as personal and professional development.

To gain these benefits, participants must be actively engaged in the M&M program. Participants, therefore, are expected to attend two Monthly Meetings, one M&M Social and one Access Alum event each semester. Participants who meet these expectations will earn some cool WiE swag at the end of the year. 

Sign up to become an M&M participant: The 2024-25 program is full for West Lafayette. Annual signup occurs in the summer preceding the school year.

Please contact  with questions.
Learn more about M&M in Indianapolis

The M&M program is based on a network-mentoring model where all participants learn from one another. All participants attend our large M&M Monthly Meetings where we have dinner together, enjoy a guest speaker, engage in fun networking activities and gain professional skills and strategies for success. These meetings are held from 6-7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays.

M&M social events - To help participants build their engineering community, monthly social events are also held. Join us for bowling, board game night, movies, trivia, arts and crafts, and more fun events!

The program has been intentionally designed to offer the greatest opportunity for participant growth and success. Benefits include community building, networking and mentoring, as well as personal and professional development.

To gain these benefits, participants must be actively engaged in the M&M program. Participants, therefore, are expected to attend two Monthly Meetings and one M&M Social each semester. Participants who meet these expectations will earn some cool WiE swag at the end of the year. 

Sign up to become an M&M participant: Signups are open Aug. 12-30, 2024, for the Fall 2024 school year.

Please contact  with questions.

Meet the West Lafayette M&M leadership team
Suzanne Zurn-Birkhimer | Associate Director
Zurn-Birkhimer is the associate director of the Women in Engineering Program and oversees the mentoring programs. Here is her bio.

Why M&M is great
"The M&M program allows for students to develop their own tight-knit community with their engineering peers while gaining crucial professional and personal tools they cannot develop in the classroom. We are fortunate to be able to bring in amazing alumnae to engage with the students by sharing their wisdom and experience. The participants leave our meetings confident, inspired and excited to succeed on their path to becoming engineers!"
Cathy Deno | Administrative Assistant
Cathy Deno
Deno is one of the Women in Engineering Program's administrative assistants. She works with the mentoring program teams and the WE Link recruitment team. Here is her bio.  

Why M&M is great
"I've worked with the M&M program since its creation in 1992. I love how the program has grown and developed each and every year in order to continue to meet the needs of our women students. The WiE staff and student leaders work hard to develop valuable programming with engaging activities and speakers that will equip our women students while at Purdue and as they enter the workforce."
Blake Bird | Sophomore | Nuclear Engineering
Bird is from upstate New York and is studying nuclear engineering. Outside of the WiE M&M program she is involved in STEMpower, a club dedicated to introducing STEM to children in local elementary schools, as well as the Purdue Outing Club, a club for outdoor recreation. Bird is also a team leader for Boiler Gold Rush. Outside of her involvements, she enjoys yoga, playing sports and spending time outdoors.

Why M&M is great
"I think M&M is a wonderful opportunity for women engineers at Purdue to connect and uplift each other to get through the hardships of college and the workforce. M&M has allowed me to learn so many new things and receive great advice from my peers who share similar interests and goals. The Women in Engineering Program has inspired me to become a better student, a better leader and a better friend through the leadership and mentoring events held by WiE M&M."
AnnaBella Brown | Junior | Ag & Bio Engineering
Brown is from Fort Wayne, Indiana, and is studying biological engineering with a minor in biological sciences. She has a passion for involvement and collaborating with others and pursues this through her work on the M&M LT as well as being a team leader for Boiler Gold Rush. On campus, she is also a member of Purdue Music Organization's ensemble Heart & Soul, in addition to being a part of the women's club soccer team. Outside of these activities, she loves going to Purdue sporting events and spending time with friends.

Why M&M is great
"The M&M program provides the opportunity for women in engineering to develop their network and expand their professional skills while creating meaningful relationships with their peers. The program has become a community for myself and other women to grow within our engineering careers as well as build lifelong skills and confidence."
Caroline Curtis | Senior | Mechanical Engineering
Caroline Curtis
Curtis is from South Florida and came to Purdue to study mechanical engineering. Outside of M&M, she is involved in Purdue Space Program, Purdue FIRST Robotics and the PHI Sigma Rho sorority. In her free time, she enjoys going to the gym, staying active and catching up with friends.

Why M&M is great
"M&M is great because it allows people who feel lost in their journey in becoming an engineer to find people who can help gain the confidence and connections they need to feel successful. It also encourages a strong bond between young women in engineering, and truly exemplifies women supporting women."
Navya Datla | Junior | Computer Engineering
Datla is from Charlotte, North Carolina, and is studying computer engineering. Outside of the M&M program, she is involved with EPICS and the Purdue Space Program. In her free time, she enjoys going to the gym, cooking and spending time with friends.

Why M&M is great
"I love the M&M program because it gives young women in engineering a wealth of resources that help them achieve success both in their time at Purdue and throughout their careers. The community, skills and confidence I have gained through the M&M program have been a large part of my successful transition to Purdue, and I hope to provide this enriching experience to other women as a member of the leadership team."
Zora Emmert | Senior | Material Science Engineering
Zora Emmert
Outside of M&M, Emmert volunteers for WE Link, where she aims to increase the number of women who choose to study engineering. Emmert is also involved in the GEARE program and plans to study abroad in Germany and earn a minor in both global engineering studies and German. In her free time, she enjoys playing guitar, learning banjo and scrapbooking.

Why M&M is great
"M&M is a great opportunity to meet women in engineering in a supportive, encouraging environment outside of the classroom. As a participant in M&M, I have enjoyed developing my professional skills, and I have loved learning from distinguished women in different engineering fields."
Kloe Fosnaugh | Sophomore | Biological Engineering
Fosnaugh is from Westfield, Indiana, and is studying biological engineering. Outside of being on the M&M leadership team, she is involved in ASABE and Zeta Tau Alpha. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends, playing pickleball and cheering on the Boilermakers! 

Why M&M is great
"The M&M program is an amazing support system for young women with similar passions to come together and grow in their professional and networking skills. This program provided me with relief as a first-year student when I was overwhelmed in this field. I was able to talk to gain advice amongst other engineers about their passions and learn it's OK to struggle. This program has not only helped me grow in my professionalism but also instilled in me a newfound confidence in my abilities as an engineer. Now, as a member of the leadership team, I am eager to pay it forward by helping others discover their strengths and navigate their own paths in engineering."
Anika Garg | Sophomore | Mechanical Engineering
Garg is from Brookfield, Wisconsin. She is studying mechanical engineering and is planning on minoring in math. On campus, she is in the Honors College, an RA and part of a research lab related to 3D printing and programming. Outside of these activities, Garg loves to sing acapella or jazz music, crochet/embroider, stay active and spend time with friends.

Why M&M is great
"The M&M program is a fantastic place where like-minded individuals can network and learn from each other on how to be a strong and confident woman engineer. I credit my seamless transition to Purdue due to the M&M program and how it promotes community, belonging and confidence. That truly goes to show how impactful this program is, and I am excited to work with the other leadership team members and inspire others the same way."
Margie Heritage | Sophomore | Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
Heritage, who is from Munster, Indiana, is a sophomore studying aeronautical & astronautical engineering. Outside the WiE M&M program, she is involved with undergraduate research, GEARE ambassadors, HonorServes, SWE and the John Martinson Honors College. Heritage is pursuing a minor in Spanish, in addition to a minor in global engineering studies through the GEARE program. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, volunteering, learning about different cultures and knitting.

Why M&M is great
"I love the M&M program because it's more than just mentorship - it's about forging meaningful connections and a sense of belonging while acquiring essential life skills. With each meeting, I find myself surrounded by supportive peers and mentors who inspire me to grow both personally and professionally. Through M&M, I've not only honed my skills, but I have also found a second family within the Purdue Engineering community."
Claire Kaptur | Junior | Chemical Engineering
Kaptur is from Harrison Township, Michigan, and is studying chemical engineering with minors in general management and business economics. Outside of being on the leadership team for M&M, she is involved with EPICS, Boiler Catholics and Purdue Dance Marathon as a part of the morale team. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, hiking, hanging out with friends and baking.

Why M&M is great
"During my first year, M&M helped me meet some of my best friends and solidified my decision to study engineering. I truly believe that the program gives women in engineering a community to learn and grow with, helping inspire and prepare them as they move through college and into their careers."
CJ Kulprathipanja | Senior | Biomedical Engineering
Kulprathipanja is from the suburbs of Chicago. Along with BME, she is pursuing a minor in computer science and a certificate in collaborative leadership. Kulprathipanja is currently on a co-op at Apple. In her free time, she enjoys baking, lifting weights and teaching her cat new tricks.

Why M&M is great
"As a first-year student, I really enjoyed M&M because I was able to easily make friends with other girls in engineering that I did not see in my classes, and I also learned new strategies to help me reach my personal and professional goals."
Zoe Mercer | Junior | Mechanical Engineering
Mercer, a junior from Dayton, Ohio, is pursuing mechanical engineering. Outside of M&M, Mercer is involved with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and has participated on the small projects team. She has also participated on the Society of Women Engineers Grand Prix team. This summer, she will be continuing an internship at Hi-Tek Manufacturing, where she will machine precision components for aviation and gas turbine engines. In her free time, Zoe enjoys reading, watching movies and playing volleyball. 

Why M&M is great
"I believe M&M offers an excellent support system for all women pursuing engineering. Engineering can be daunting, especially as a woman, but by building connections and sharing experiences with other women engineers, M&M helps build up the confidence of its many members. As a first-year student, M&M truly helped me maintain my resilience through failure and learn that it is OK to struggle. M&M has helped me become the successful engineering student I am today and will continue to improve my professional and academic skills as I continue at Purdue."
Shreya Sinha | Senior | Biomedical Engineering
shreya sinha
Sinha is a biomedical engineering major on the pre-med track. She has been involved in the Women in Engineering Program in the past through the learning community and small group mentoring. In her free time, she enjoys reading, spending time with friends, listening to music and playing the violin.

Why M&M is great
"The Mentees and Mentors program is a great way for female engineers to connect with others in the same field and to learn from those with more experience, while developing their professional skills and growing in the engineering field."
Grace Sizer | Junior | Civil Engineering
Sizer is from a small town in Connecticut and is studying civil engineering with a minor in Spanish. On campus, she is involved in an acapella group, the Acabellas, and is a volunteer for WE Link. In her free time, she enjoys reading, hiking and weightlifting.

Why M&M is great
"M&M is an amazing community of intelligent and like-minded women engineers at Purdue. This program really helps women in engineering connect with one another to support each other and further their individual passions for engineering. Our meetings help me gain important skills and perspectives, both personally and professionally, and I can't wait to help upcoming women engineers at Purdue experience the same."
Lavanya Swaminathan | Senior | Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
Swaminathan is an international student from Singapore. Besides studying aeronautical and astronautical engineering, she is also planning to minor in materials engineering. Outside of the M&M program, Swaminathan is involved in WE Link, and in her free time, she loves playing tennis, reading and watching Netflix.

Why M&M is great
"The M&M Program has helped me meet a lot of inspiring female engineers and has made me a more confident and outgoing person. It has been a valuable contribution to my engineering education and has opened me up to new learning opportunities that I might have never discovered alone."
Dylann Volz | Sophomore | Chemical Engineering
Volz is from Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, and is studying chemical engineering while on the pre-medicine track. Outside of M&M, Volz is also a part of the Honors College, Circle K and Caduceus Club. She also is going abroad to study engineering in Italy in the summer of 2024. In her free time, she enjoys working out, listening to music and watching football (especially the Steelers).

Why M&M is great
"M&M is great because it creates a supportive community within engineering that helps you grow both your knowledge of the field of engineering, as well as your connections. M&M equips young aspiring women with skills that can help both during your time at Purdue and far beyond it. This community has allowed me to bond with other women with big goals and dreams and always serves to be a safe space to rely on."
Meet the Indianapolis M&M leadership team

Coming soon

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Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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