Purdue Today. 150 Years of Giant Leaps

November 13, 2019

Current web edition

Faculty and Staff News

Center for Healthy Living workshop to focus on
self-care before upcoming holiday season

As the holiday season approaches, the Center for Healthy Living on Purdue’s West Lafayette campus is offering a workshop on Dec. 4 titled “Let the Self-Care Cat Out of the Bag.” Led by Amanda Douglas, employee assistance counselor at CHL, the workshop has the goal to help individuals optimize self-care and continue it into next year.

Things to Know

Online role requests available through SuccessFactors

Things to Do

Registration open for the Clerical and Service Staff Recognition Luncheon
Faculty search committee workshop scheduled
Upcoming workshop to focus on mindful eating during holidays

In the Spotlight

Tiffany Lyle with model of human brain

Getting cancer drugs to the brain is difficult – but a new ‘road map’ might make it easier

The human brain has some remarkable capabilities – including the ability to block cancer drugs from effectively reaching cancer cells in the brain. The greatest obstacle when it comes to treating cancer that has spread to the brain is the blood-brain barrier. Purdue scientists, led by Tiffany Lyle (shown), an assistant professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine, have provided the first comprehensive characterization of both the blood-brain and blood-tumor barriers in brain metastases of lung cancer, which will serve as a road map for treatment development.

Additional News

Carrillo receiving award from Admiral Ray

AAE grad student, Coast Guard helicopter pilot honored for heroics

Lt. Commander J.R. Carrillo received the prestigious Distinguished Flying Cross on Friday (Nov. 8) for his heroics as a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter pilot during Hurricane Harvey, including rescuing a family of five with a critically ill infant and later a heart attack victim. Carrillo is a master’s degree student in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Fred Klipsch

Footprints video:
Fred Klipsch

As a first-generation student, Fred Klipsch worked full-time to support himself while earning his Purdue degree. His grit continued as he went on to build Klipsch Audio Technologies. Now in retirement, Klipsch dedicates his time to the education reform movement within public education so that every child has the opportunity to take a giant leap.


Anthrax may be the next tool in the fight against bladder cancer


Cyber apprenticeship program highlighted during National Apprenticeship Week event


Seven former student-athletes named to Purdue Intercollegiate Athletics Hall of Fame


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Purdue in the News

Here is a sampling of recent news reports about Purdue from media across the nation and the world.

Washington Post: Opinion: Let’s have more than two candidates in the general-election presidential debates
The Kojo Nnamdi Show: The transformative power of service animals
WXIN/WTTV, WLFI: Full Steam Ahead podcast: Veterans Success Center
Inside INdiana Business: Purdue earns top honors for economic initiatives
150 years of giant leaps
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Purdue Today is the official Purdue University communication for faculty and staff