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Increased Public Scientific Literacy

Broader impacts can integrate one or multiple “cords” of research, education and outreach, and diversity activities, as mapped in examples below:

Research Education and Outreach Diversity Example impact
Yes Yes Hold virtual town hall meetings to disseminate knowledge and solicit stakeholder and community feedback.
Yes Yes Yes Hold virtual town hall meetings with rural and urban stakeholders to disseminate knowledge and solicit stakeholder and community feedback
Yes Yes Participate in Purdue NanoDays to inform the public and K-12 students about size, localization, and dynamics of proteins, cytoskeletal filaments, and cellular organelles through posters, videos, and structural protein models.
Yes Yes Partner with Purdue College of Science K-12 Outreach to offer a summer, four-day GLOBE data science training opportunity for middle and high school math and science teachers recruited from regional rural and inner-city school districts. The international NASA-funded Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program is a citizen science online community that allows worldwide participation in data collection related to the Earth system and global environment
Yes Yes Mentor graduate students in communicating to non-expert audience and sponsor a Science on Tap community event.
Yes Yes Yes Develop a freely available platform (tools, maps) that allows citizen scientists to contribute to the collection and analysis of project data.

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