Metskas receives BioCrossroads recognition for novel research
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — BioCrossroads, an Indianapolis-based firm that supports life science innovation by creating connections among corporations, universities and philanthropists, has singled out Lauren Ann Metskas for its 23 PAIR (Promising Achievers in Innovation and Research) recognition.
Metskas, assistant professor of biological sciences and chemistry at Purdue University, is among 23 researchers receiving the BioCrossroads recognition. She leads a laboratory that specializes in combining high resolution fluorescence microscopy with cryo-electron microscopy applications in the study of protein ultrastructures involved in virus-host interaction and other systems.
Metskas joined the Structural and Computational Biology and Biophysics Research group at Purdue in August 2021, bringing unique training and expertise in the cutting-edge discipline of high-resolution cryo-electron tomography. She did post-doctoral work at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK, and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany. She recently received funding through a New Innovators Award from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.
“Dr. Metskas is truly unique in the state of Indiana as she couples super-high-resolution imagery to high-end cryo-electron tomography,” said Richard Kuhn, the Trent and Judith Anderson Distinguished Professor of Science and Krenicki Family Director in Inflammation, Immunology and Infectious Disease. In nominating Metskas for the 23 PAIR recognition, Kuhn said: “She can identify molecules within cells and map out in a temporal and spatial manner their function within cells. This is a very powerful technique that allows one to map out cells. Her impact will be in both basic discovery but also important in translational medicine and life sciences.”
The new 23 PAIR BioCrossroads recognition program celebrates and promotes Indiana’s next generation of life sciences leaders.
“Just as 23 pairs of chromosomes are the building blocks for the human body, Indiana’s life sciences sector is a critical and foundational component of the state’s economy,” said Lori LeRoy, executive vice president of communications for BioCrossroads. “Indiana’s life sciences industry is fundamentally based on talent. We have some truly innovative early-in-career people who are doing groundbreaking work here that deserves to be put in the spotlight.”
Each of the 23 researchers being recognized are being announced daily this month until a public celebration event, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Aug. 23, at The AMP at 16 Tech, 1220 Waterway Blvd., Indianapolis. Registration is requested.
About BioCrossroads
BioCrossroads is Indiana’s initiative to grow the life sciences, a public-private collaboration that supports the region’s research and corporate strengths while encouraging new business development. BioCrossroads provides money and support to life sciences businesses, launches new life sciences enterprises, expands collaboration and partnerships among Indiana’s life science institutions, expands science education and markets Indiana’s life sciences industry. The initiative has formed several nonprofit organizations, including Indiana Health Information Exchange, BioCrossroadsLINX, OrthoWorx, Datalys Center and the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute.
Writer: Amy H. Raley,
Source: Richard Kuhn,