Self-identification audit set to begin

September 10, 2015  

The Office of the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance and the Office of the Vice President for Human Resources are preparing for the annual affirmative action plan. A part of this preparation is an audit of self-identification data for all employees.

If the audit indicates that self-identification data is missing for an employee, the employee will receive an email generated by the audit process inviting the employee to provide self-identification information by going to Employee Self-Service in OnePurdue or accessing the Self Identification Compliance Form on the Human Resources website.

If you are a recipient of an email sent by the Office of the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance asking you for self-identification information, this is a legitimate email being sent by the University seeking your assistance with our efforts to comply with federal affirmative action program requirements.

Employees are asked to provide their self-identification information to the University. Any questions about the email should be directed to the director of compliance at or 49-63158. 

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