Convocation recognizes faculty for international and national honors, teaching excellence, years of service
April 26, 2013
Faculty members were recognized Thursday (April 25) for international and national awards, University and college honors, and distinguished and named professorships at the Faculty Awards Convocation. The convocation also honored faculty for their years of service.
National and international awards
2013 Ho-Am Engineering Prize: Sangtae Kim, mechanical engineering and chemical engineering.
Academy of Nursing Education Fellow: Jane Kirkpatrick, nursing.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship: Adam Wasserman, chemistry.
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellows: Mahdi Abu-Omar, chemistry; Nicholas Carpita, botany and plant pathology; Mark Cushman, medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology; Vincent Davisson, chemistry; Avtar Handa, horticulture and landscape architecture; David Nolte, physics; Ian Shipsey, physics; Gabriela Weaver, chemistry; Howard Zelaznik, health and kinesiology.
American Association of Bovine Practitioners Merial Excellence in Preventive Medicine: Mark Hilton, veterinary clinical sciences.
American Association of Cereal Chemists International Alsberg-French-Schoch Award: Bruce Hamaker, food science.
American Association of Forensic Sciences Outstanding Research Award: Marcus Rogers, computer information technology.
American Council on Education Fellows: Liping Cai, hospitality and tourism management; Makarand Hastak, construction engineering and management.
American Heart Association Fellow: Karen Yehle, nursing.
American Institute College of Fellows for Medical and Biological Engineering: Alyssa Panitch, biomedical engineering.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Fellows: Stephen Heister, aeronautics and astronautics; Kathleen Howell, aeronautics and astronautics.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Fellows: Nicholas Delgass, chemical engineering; Nien-Hwa Linda Wang, chemical engineering.
American Nuclear Society Fellows: Audeen Fentiman, nuclear engineering; Ahmed Hassanein, nuclear engineering.
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers 2013 New Investigator Award: Panagiota Karava, civil engineering.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Continuing Education Award: Hala Elsisy, speech, language, and hearing sciences.
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Harold M. Frost Young Investigator Award: Russell Main, basic medical sciences.
American Society for Engineering Education Fellow: Matthew Ohland, engineering education.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Thomas Siegmund, mechanical engineering.
Association for Computing Machinery Distinguished Scientists: Anthony Hosking, computer science; Ninghui Li, computer science.
Association for Computing Machinery Fellow: Ahmed Elmagarmid, computer science.
Center for Social Sciences Fellowship: Ronnie Wilbur, speech, language, and hearing sciences.
Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Burkina Faso form the government of Burkina Faso: Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer, international programs in agriculture; Larry Murdock, entomology.
Distinguished Lecturer for the Organization of American Historian: Caroline Janney, history.
Ellis W. Hawley Prize: Darren Dochuk, history.
E.L.R. Stokstad Award at Experimental Biology: Kim Buhman, nutrition science.
Excellence in Health Science Research Award: Brian Overholser, pharmacy practice.
Geological Society of America 2012 Bromery Award: Kenneth Ridgway, earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences.
F.A. Cotton Medal for Excellence in Chemical Research: R. Graham Cooks, chemistry.
IAHPERD Dance Educator of the Year for Indiana and National Dance Educator of the Year: Joy McEwen, health and kinesiology.
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association Lifetime Achievement Award: Robert Bill, basic medical sciences.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Fellows: Gerhard Klimeck, electrical and computer engineering; Steven Pekarek, electrical and computer engineering; Peide Ye, electrical and computer engineering.
Institute of Food Technologists Babcock-Hart Award: Richard Mattes, nutrition science.
Inter-American Photochemical Society Fellow: David McMillin, chemistry.
International Neural Network Society Young Investigator Award: Sebastien Helie, psychological sciences.
John Wiley & Sons Lifetime Research Achievement Award: Barbara Almanza, hospitality and tourism management.
Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award: Marianne Boruch, English.
Lafayette Lions Club Cancer Research Award: James Fleet, nutrition science.
Library of Congress International Seminar on Decolonization in the 20th Century: Jennifer Foray, history.
Maxwell C. Weiner Distinguished Visiting Professor of History at the Missouri University of Science and Technology: Susan Curtis, history.
Midwestern Psychological Association Fellow: Jim Nairne, psychological sciences.
Microscopy Society of America Fellow: Debra Sherman, horticulture and landscape architecture.
National Science Foundation Career Award: Jeff Karpicke, psychological sciences.
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers: Ian Kaplan, entomology; Alice Pawley, engineering education.
Society of Experimental Psychologists Fellow: Jim Nairne, psychological sciences.
Society of Toxicology Colgate Palmolive Award for Alternative Research: Jennifer Freeman, health sciences.
University awards
2012 Bindley Bioscience Research Fellow: Andy Tao, biochemistry.
2012 Purdue Teaching Academy Fellow: Abigail Borron, youth development and agricultural education; Scott Downey, agricultural economics; Cheryl O'Brien, political science; Matthew Ohland, engineering education; Carl Wassgren, Jr., mechanical engineering; Jason Weiss, civil engineering.
2013 Awards for Excellence in Distance Learning: Michael Boehlje, agricultural economics; Supriyo Datta, electrical and computer engineering; Michael Gunderson, agricultural economics.
2013 Clifford B. Kinley Trust Award: Emily Bouck, educational studies.
2013 Morrill Awards: George Bodner, chemistry; Randy Roberts; history.
2013 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards in Memory of Charles B. Murphy: Eric Barker, medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology; Peter Hollenbeck, biological sciences; George Hollich, psychological sciences; Fred Mannering, civil engineering; Marcy Towns, chemistry; Mariko Wei, languages and cultures.
2013 Provost's Award for Outstanding Graduate Mentor: Jan Allebach, electrical and computer engineering; Jonathan Harbor, earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences.
2013 Purdue University Focus Award: Oliver Wendt, speech, language, and hearing sciences.
2012-13 Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy Fellows: Joseph Irudayaraj, agricultural and biological engineering; John Lumkes, agricultural and biological engineering; Mark Morgan, food science; Jenna Rickus, agricultural and biological engineering.
2012-13 Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy Scholar: Andy Tao, biochemistry.
2012-13 Teaching for Tomorrow Fellowship Awards: Michael Baldwin, earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences; Ashley Crumby, pharmacy practice; Nancy Emery, biological sciences; Amy Fauber, veterinary clinical sciences; Jeremy Garritano, library science; Benjamin Gramig, agricultural economics; Kendall Leon, English; Amy Lossie, animal sciences; Michael Melloch, electrical and computer engineering; Colleen Neary-Sundquist, languages and cultures; Rebecca Packer, veterinary clinical sciences and basic medical sciences; Sandra Sydnor, hospitality and tourism management; Ralph Webb, communication; Kelly Wilson, management.
Center for Aging and the Life Course -- Exceptional Engagement Awards: Jeff Haddad, health and kinesiology; Shirley Rietdyk, health and kinesiology.
Class of 1922 Helping Students Learn Award: Atsushi Fukada, languages and cultures.
Clifford Kinley Trust grant awardees: Elliot Friedman, human development and family studies; Aaron Hoffman, political science; Margo Monteith, psychological sciences; Amanda Seidl, speech, language, and hearing sciences.
Committee on Institutional Cooperation-Academic Leadership Program Fellows: Laurent Couëtil, veterinary clinical sciences; Robert Frosch, civil engineering; Peter Hollenbeck, biological sciences; Melissa Remis, anthropology; Gerald Shively, agricultural economics; M. Preeti Sivasankar, speech, language, and hearing sciences.
Director's Award, Purdue Extension: Christine Ladisch, health and human sciences.
Fellowship for Study in a Second Discipline (2012-13): Marianne Bracke, libraries; Gregery Buzzard, mathematics; Elizabeth Hoffman, sociology; Amanda Seidl, speech, language, and hearing sciences; Charles Woloshuk, botany and plant pathology.
Hancook Faculty Fellowship from the Center for Families: Steven Wilson, communication.
Herbert Newby McCoy Award: Connie Weaver, nutrition science.
Purdue Agriculture Spirit of the Land Grant Mission Award: Connie Weaver, nutrition science.
Remarque Institute of New York University Fellowship: Jennifer Foray, history.
Title IX Distinguished Service Award: Evelyn Blackwood, anthropology; Cheryl Cooky, health and kinesiology; Leah Jamieson, engineering; Joan Marshall, sociology; Beverly Davenport Sypher, communication.
Tony and Mary Hulman Health Achievement Award in Preventive Medicine and Public Health: Sonak Pastakia, pharmacy practice.
University Faculty Scholars: Larry Adams, veterinary clinical sciences; Yong Chen, physics; Gary Cheng, industrial engineering; Laurent Couëtil, veterinary clinical sciences; Michael Fosmire, libraries; Thomas Hacker, computer informational technology; Nathan Hartman, computer graphics technology; Catherine Hill, entomology; Pedro Irazoqui, biomedical engineering; Caroline Janney, history; Dan Jiao, electrical and computer engineering; Daniel Kelly, philosophy; Daisuke Kihara, biological sciences; George Moore, comparative pathobiology; Sarah Mustillo, sociology; Bryan Pijanowski, forestry and natural resources; Krishnamurthy Sriramesh, communication; Andrew Toms, mathematics; Olga Vitek, statistics.
Provost Fellows: Eric Dietz, computer information technology; Duane Dunlap, technology leadership and innovation; Mark Lawley, biomedical engineering; Jay McCann, political science.
College awards
College of Agriculture -- David C. Pfendler Outstanding Counselor Award: Dennis Buckmaster, agricultural and biological engineering.
College of Agriculture -- Outstanding Graduate Educator: Arun Bhunia, food science.
College of Agriculture -- Research Award: Mario Ferruzzi, food science.
College of Agriculture -- Richard L. Kohls Early Career Award: Haley Oliver, food science.
College of Agriculture -- Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award: Cale Bigelow, agronomy.
College of Agriculture -- TEAM Awards: Laurent Couetil, veterinary clinical sciences; Steven Thompson, veterinary clinical sciences.
College of Education -- Community of Service Learning Faculty Development Grant: Lynn Bryan, curriculum and instruction.
College of Education -- Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award: David Eichinger, curriculum and instruction.
College of Engineering -- A.A. Potter Best of Engineering Teaching Award: William Oakes, engineering education.
College of Engineering -- Early Career Research Award: Zheng Ouyang, biomedical engineering.
College of Engineering -- Engagement/Service Award: Eric Furgason, electrical and computer engineering.
College of Engineering -- Leadership Award: Judy Liu, civil engineering.
College of Engineering -- Mentoring Award: Timothy Fisher, mechanical engineering.
College of Engineering -- Research Award: Robert Lucht, mechanical engineering.
College of Engineering -- Team Award, Purdue Neurotrauma Group: Larry Leverenz, health and kinesiology; Eric Nauman, mechanical engineering; Thomas Talavage, electrical and computer engineering and biomedical engineering.
College of Health and Human Sciences -- Graduate Outstanding Student Mentor Award: Laurence Leonard, speech, language, and hearing sciences.
College of Liberal Arts -- Kenneth T. Kofmehl Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards: Rosalee Clawson, political science; Angelica Duran, English; Dino Felluga, English; Randy Roberts, history; Ralph Webb, communication.
College of Liberal Arts -- Departmental Education Excellence Teaching Awards: John Larson, history; Manushag Powell, English.
College of Liberal Arts -- Discovery Excellence Award for the Creative Arts: Marianne Boruch, English.
College of Liberal Arts -- Discovery Excellence Award for the Humanities: Daniel Morris, English.
College of Liberal Arts -- Discovery Excellence Award for the Social Sciences: Kenneth Ferarro, sociology.
College of Liberal Arts -- Educational Excellence Teaching Award: Leigh Raymond, political science.
Purdue Libraries -- Dean's Award for Sustained and Outstanding Contributions to Libraries: Vicki Killion, libraries.
Purdue Libraries -- Excellence in Teaching Award: Hal Kirkwood, libraries.
Purdue Libraries -- John H. Moriarty Award for Excellence in Library Service: Charlotte Erdmann, libraries.
Krannert School of Management -- Salgo-Noren Outstanding Master's Teacher: John Umbreck, economics.
Krannert School of Management -- Undergraduate Outstanding Teacher: John Burr, management.
College of Pharmacy -- Innovation in Teaching and Learning Award: Zachary Weber, pharmacy practice.
College of Science -- Faculty Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Teaching by an Assistant Professor: Suzanne Bart, chemistry.
College of Science Research Awards: Esteban Fernandez-Juricic, biological sciences; Matthew Lister, physics; Jie Shen, mathematics; Frederi Viens, statistics.
College of Technology -- Dwyer Award: Nathan Mentzer, technology leadership and innovation.
College of Technology -- Outstanding Discovery Award: Eric Matson, computer information technology.
College of Technology -- Outstanding Engagement Award: Daphene Koch, building construction management.
College of Technology -- Outstanding Learning Award: Nathan Mentzer, technology leadership and innovation.
College of Veterinary Medicine -- Alumni Outstanding Teacher Award: Robert Bill, basic medical sciences.
College of Veterinary Medicine -- Excellence in Research Award: Ourania Andrisani, basic medical sciences.
College of Veterinary Medicine -- Excellence in Scholarship of Engagement Award: Annette Litster, veterinary clinical sciences.
College of Veterinary Medicine -- Excellence in Teaching Award: Stephen Adams, veterinary clinical sciences.
College of Veterinary Medicine -- Weedon Faculty Recognition Award: Jim Weisman, veterinary medicine.
College of Veterinary Medicine -- Zoetis Award for Research Excellence: Joanne Messick, comparative pathobiology.
College of Veterinary Medicine -- Zoetis Distinguished Teacher Award: Amy Fauber, veterinary clinical sciences.
Distinguished professors (appointed after April 2012)
James Fleet, Distinguished Professor of Nutrition Science.
Robert Geoahlen, Distinguished Professor of Medicinal Chemistry.
Christopher Greene, Distinguished Professor of Physics.
Named professors (appointed after April 2012)
Venkataramanan Balakrishnan, the Michael and Katherine Birck Head of Electrical and Computer Engineeering.
Rao Govindaraju, Bowen Engineering Head of Civil Engineering.
Allan Gray, Land O'Lakes Chair in Food and Agribusiness.
Douglass Jacobs, the Fred M. van Eck Chair in Forest Biology.
Jeff Karpicke, the James V. Bradley Chair of Psychological Sciences.
Ellen Kossek, the Basil Sidney Turner Professor of Management.
Daniel Mroczek, the William and Sally Berner Hanley Professor of Gerontology.
David Radcliffe, the Kamyar Haghighi Head of the School of Engineering Education.
Alberto Rodriguez, the Mary Endres Chair in Elementary Education.
Li Tonglei, the Allen Chao Chair in Industrial and Physical Pharmacy.
Arvind Varma, the Jay and Cynthia Ihlenfeld Head of Chemical Engineering.
GuangJun Zhang, the John T. and Winifred M. Hayward Assistant Professor of Genetic Research, Genetic Epidemiology, and Comparative Medicine.
Lists of all distinguished and named professors are at
Faculty service recognition awards
A list of recipients is available as a PDF file.
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