12 faculty groups funded for 'Engaging with India' projects
January 16, 2013
As part of Purdue's overall strategy for "Engaging with India," 12 internal proposals aimed at fostering research, educational or commercialization partnerships with institutions in India were funded recently.
The "Engaging with India" strategy has evolved from campus-wide roundtable discussions on India engagement and an online survey of existing partnerships and interests. The long-term goal for India engagement is to develop strong relationships with anchor institutions, which can provide multifaceted partnerships and/or regional links within India.
The current funding supports visits by Purdue faculty and staff to India for collaborative workshops and other activities aimed at advancing partnerships. The projects are interdisciplinary, and several projects bring together faculty from multiple colleges. The overall program includes participants from all colleges on the West Lafayette campus.
The Office of Engagement coordinated the proposal review and is facilitating links between the participating teams. Funding for the program was provided by colleges and the Office of the Provost.
The funded projects (with project leads) are:
* Multidimensional Technological Innovations for Water-Linked Health and Wellness (Suranjan Panigrahi, Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology; Ronald Turco, Agronomy; Venkatesh Merwade, Civil Engineering; Lalatendu Acharya, Consumer Sciences and Retailing; Nicole Olynk Widmar, Agricultural Economics; and Jennifer Freeman, Health Sciences).
* State and Social Movements: Violence, Health, Food Security (Mangala Subramanian, Sociology; Bert Useem, Sociology; and Ellen Gruenbaum, Anthropology).
* Purdue-IITM Joint Workshop Proposal on Sustainable Urban Systems (Satish Ukkusuri, Civil Engineering; Daniel Aldrich, Political Science; and Samuel Labi, Civil Engineering).
* NanoHUB-U for India (Tim Fisher, Mechanical Engineering).
* Fostering Research/Education Anchors in India (Ellen Schellhase, Sonak Pastakia, Monica Miller, and Rakhi Karwa, Pharmacy Practice).
* Fostering Data-Driven Scientific Collaboration with India (Michael Witt, Libraries; Thomas Hacker, Computer and Information Technology; and Aman Yadav, Educational Studies).
* The Change We Wish to See: Women's Studies as Anchor and Bridge between India and Purdue University (T.J. Boisseau, History and Women's Studies Program, and Alicia Decker, Women's Studies Program and History).
* Collaborative Excellence in Education, and Automotive and Energy Research (Chuck Krousgrill, Mechanical Engineering; A. Bajaj, Mechanical Engineering; and Ragu Balakrishan, Electrical and Computer Engineering).
* Workshop at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, on Droughts and Water Shortages (Rao Govindaraju, Civil Engineering).
* Developing a Broader Engagement Platform with Indian Agriculture Universities (K. G. Raghothama, International Programs in Agriculture and Horticulture and Landscape Architecture; Guri Johal, Botany and Plant Pathology; and Mitch Tunistra, Agronomy).
* Create an anchor for education and community service using the EPICS model for curriculum innovation (Maeve Drummond, William Oakes and Dulcy Abraham, EPICS).
* Engaging India: A Proposal for Expanding the TVS Motors/Global Manufacturing Program (Suresh Chand, Management).