We employ vast data collection & analysis on all of our projects and here are some highlights from our Freeform grant:

Our team collects large-scale data from all students and instructors in a classroom setting, including (from students) a variety of background and attitudinal surveys, concept inventories, Freeform usage analytics, and gradebook data, and (from instructors) attitudinal and background surveys. We use classroom observation to examine in-class dynamics among students, their peers, the instructor, and the course materials. Interviews and focus groups with a subset of students and instructors provide candid feedback about Freeform classroom experiences. Sampled students are also asked to execute task-based experiments in the laboratory in which the following data are collected: eye gaze data, clickstream time histories, and student academic work. We are working to create a study guide for students using ABC structures, open source Freeform templates for participating faculty, integrated faculty orientations for instructors new to Freeform principles, problem-solving video creation strategies for instructors, curricular recommendations for courses considering the inclusion of Freeform, and scholarly products.

Learn more about our research & analysis on our Freeform project site.