MEERCat Purdue is creating an Industry-University Research Consortium (IURC) to deeply collaborate with industry partners focusing on the undergraduate-to-workforce transition. These transitions are filled with costly challenges (both time and money) for all stakeholders, and many unresolved research questions are ripe for exploration. We seek passionate partners interested in the Professional Formation of Engineers (PFE) to work with us on key research questions— together, we’ll create new value for employers, students & universities.


➔ PFE outcomes (including communication, innovation, creativity, teamwork)
➔ Workforce development and in-house on-the-job training
➔ Recruiting, internships, and other matchmaking (credentialing including badging)
➔ Student behaviors, attitudes & decision making about employment opportunities


➔ For students: Enhanced academic performance, satisfaction & co-curricular experiences
➔ For universities: Increased student retention, graduation & employment rates
➔ For employers: Improved employee retention, performance & satisfaction

We’re looking for passionate partners to help us with this new line of research. Contact us to learn more.