HLA welcomes Kristina Cooley, who joined us as our Graduate Program Coordinator/Landscape Architecture Administrative Assistant earlier this week. Hi Everyone, I’m excited to be joining the HLA team! I have 25+ years of experience in agriculture in one form or another. I get the question often: Why Ag? For me, it’s the People-Opportunity-Variety-Mission. I have[Read More…]
Please join the Hoagland Lab in welcoming new post-doctoral research associate Dr. Ada Martinez. Dr. Martinez is originally from Peru and received her PhD from the Automonas University In Madrid Spain. She will be working with the Arequipa Nexus Institute, investigating microbial dynamics in composts generated within in the Colca River Valley of southern Peru[Read More…]
Dennis Gustavo Toc Mo, Ashley Adair, and Amy Thompson (CES) attended the Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day in Wooster, OH on September 27th. This annual traveling event shows off the latest and best in mechanical weed control technology for both vegetable and grain crops. The in-field demos are the highlight of this event, but[Read More…]
Assistant Professor Yiwei Huang and three landscape architecture recent graduates and undergraduate students Lauren Chapman, Jackson Kincaid, and Phoenix Jefferson, will be presenting their landscape performance study of Monon Boulevard and Midtown Plaza (Carmel, Indiana) in next week Landscape Architecture Foundation’s education webinar. The webinar on October 10th, titled “Midwest Gems,” will feature teams from The[Read More…]
Our team Good Thyme Gang played against Mind Your Biz Monday afternoon at Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl for Week 6 of the Purdue Staff and Students league. We won 4 out of 8 points, keeping us in 11th place. In the Women’s Category, Alexandra Jewell placed 1st with scratch game scoring a 220 and scratch[Read More…]
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