Jeanine Arana, MS student in Stephen Meyers’ specialty crop weed science lab, was awarded for her efforts earlier this week at the 76th Annual North Central Weed Science Society Meeting in Grand Rapids, MI. She placed first in her graduate student poster division (Peppermint Response to Mesotrione and S-metolachlor Applied Post-Harvest), second in her paper[Read More…]
Lori Hoagland presented an invited talk at the Organic Horticulture Symposium 2020 (III International Organic Fruit Symposium and I International Organic Vegetable Symposium), which was held online and hosted by the University of Catania. Her talk focused on her lab’s research investigating how changes in soil and root microbiomes induced by soil and crop management practices[Read More…]
Assistant Professor Yiwei Huang (as a PI) has received a $74,861 seed grant from The Purdue Climate Change Research Center (PCCRC), with a proposal titled “Downscaling and visualizing climate change scenarios to advance environmental justice and promote local action”. She will be working with Co-PI Dr. Tian Guo (from ABE), Co-PI Dr. Keith A. Cherkauer (from[Read More…]
The Indiana State Department of Agriculture awarded $459,866 to four projects designed to grow the state’s specialty crop sector. Some of the projects awarded this grant cycle include Increasing Productivity & Consumer Accessibility of Hydroponically Grown Organic Lettuce in Indiana and Improving Drip Irrigation Management for Vegetable and Melon Production in Indiana, to researchers/ extension[Read More…]
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