Summer Camps
Purdue Camps
Purdue offers different summer camps including various youth camps and sports camps. Purdue's work-life Programs provides information and resources on choosing a summer camp for your child, including a list of camps in the Greater Lafayette area. For more information, visit the Summer Camps Web page.
The YMCA offers day camps, school day off camps (school cancellation days), Winter and Spring break camps etc.
Camp Tecumseh
Camp Tecumseh is a partner with the YMCA and offers day camps as well as overnight camps.
Summer Camps
- Overnight Camp: Ages 8-15
- Day Camp: Ages 5-12
- CILT: Campers-in-Leadership-Traininig: Teens
- Equestrian Programs: camps for horse lovers of all ages
- Adventure Trips: off-site experiences for teens 13-17
Outdoor Adventures
- Outdoor education trips for elementary and middle schoolers
- eLearning: Complete your virtual learning at Camp Tecumseh
- Family Camps: Weekend trips for kids and parents or grandparents