The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Professional Development

The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Professional Development strives to support graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, and staff by providing free workshops, panels, events, and competitions.

We offer over 300 free professional development workshops annually. Whether you need help with Time Management, Mentoring, Stress, Thesis & Dissertation Formatting, Communication Skills, Career Preparation, and more, we are here for you. Plus, the graduate student or postdoc who attends the most workshops each semester will receive a $250 travel grant!



Our office hosts two annual competitions for graduate students and postdocs, including the internationally recognized Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition and Say It In 6®. Each includes cash prizes!

Competitions Overview

Graduate Research Magazine

InnovatED is Purdue University’s first graduate research magazine. Those published in the magazine receive a cash prize and the opportunity to share their research with readers in more than 45 countries.

Learn More