Keynote Speaker


Deidra Fair James

Deidra Fair James is the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s (MCC) Resident Country Director for the Ghana II Compact, a five-year, $500 million grant program that is focused on improving the country’s power sector.  As Resident Country Director, Mrs. Fair James is responsible for providing oversight, guidance, technical feedback and support to the Millennium Development Authority during Compact implementation. She also led the MCC team that supported the development of the Compact program. Previously, she served as Country Team Lead for the US$350 million power focused Malawi Compact and the US$362 million water and healthcare focused Lesotho Compact.   
Prior to joining MCC, Mrs. Fair James worked as an Investment Officer at the International Finance Corporation in the Infrastructure Department and as a structural engineer for Owens Corning in the US and Twum Boafo and Partners in Accra, Ghana.  She has a Civil Engineering degree from Purdue University and a MBA from Columbia Business School.  

Ernest C. Young Hall, Room 170 | 155  S. Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2114 | 765-494-2600

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