2015 Three Minute Thesis (3MT)
Can you present your research in 3 minutes?
Undergraduate, master’s and PhD research students are invited to take part in the 3MT competition on Monday, September 21, 2015. The subject of your presentation does NOT have to be directly related to the ESE Symposium theme.
The presentation rules will be based on the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition developed by the University of Queensland.
- Presentations are limited to 3 minutes, starting with the presenter's initiation of movement or speech- A single, static PowerPoint™ slide is permitted (no animations)
- Before submitting your work for this competition, please consult your academic advisor.
- No additional media (e.g. sound or video files) or props (e.g. costumes, laboratory equipment) are allowed
Additional recommendations to boost your chances of winning are included here
To complete registration you must submit one PowerPoint slide to ese3mt@gmail.com , complete the 3MT Registration and the Symposium Registration. The slide that you send does not have to be the final version that you are going to present during the ESE Symposium if you are one of the finalist.
Note that this is separate than registering for the symposium or poster session.
3MT Registration Deadline: September 14, 2015
Symposium registration is available HERE.
3MT registration is available HERE.
Faculty, visiting professionals, and staff will serve as judges. Each of the following criteria has equal weight:
- Communication style: was the thesis topic and its significance communicated in language appropriate to an intelligent but non-specialist audience?- Comprehension: did the presentation help the audience understand the research?
- Engagement: did the oration make the audience want to know more?
Awards are provided by the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs. The People's Choice Award will go to the person receiving the most votes which is not selected as Winner or Runner-up. (Inviting friends is encouraged!)
- Winner: $500- Runner-up: $250
- People's Choice Award: $250
- Mon, September 14th, 11:59 PM - Registration for 3 Minute Thesis closes.
- Wed, September 16th - Top 10 applicants determined through pre-judging, which may include live presentations.
- Fri, September 18th - Competitors must send their finalized slide (.pptx format) to ese3mt@gmail.com.
- Mon, September 21st, 3:45 PM - Presentations of the Finalists in PMU North Ballroom.
Information Release
By submitting a poster/presentation, the applicant authorizes the Ecological Sciences and Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program to share all information related to the poster/presentation (or subsequent award), including a photo, on the internet, in press releases, and in relevant program literature.
Questions? Contact the ESE 3MT Committee - ese3mt@gmail.com.