Join the International Friendship Program (IFP)

Information for New Students

Sign-ups for the Spring 2025 International Friendship Program have closed.

Students and hosts enjoying food at a cookout.Students and hosts enjoying time together at a cookout.

The first semester studying in a new culture is an exciting adventure.

Students are curious about life in their new host culture and are eager to make friends with local residents, and the International Friendship Program (IFP) provides a way for them to do just that.

IFP is an optional program offered to all new international students.

Student participants are paired with community host volunteers who strive to meet about once a month during the student's first semester at Purdue. The intercultural relationships that are formed help to provide the support students need to be successful.

Learning about the program

All new international students will receive an email with an "ISS checklist" prior to arriving on campus in June/July (fall semester), or November/December (spring semester). Students can click on IFP link in the checklist, complete the steps to join IFP and begin their new cross-cultural friendship with an American host/family. 

Benefits for students

  • Meet and make friends with local residents.
  • Learn more about American culture.
  • Practice English in a safe setting.
  • Get better acquainted with Indiana.
  • Participate in local cultural activities with others.

Key points to know

  • Students do not live with hosts in this program.
  • Hosts have no legal, financial or housing obligations to their student guests.
  • Friendship hosts and their students schedule their own meeting times.
  • IFP provides activities throughout the year for participants to enjoy together.
  • Hosts will provide transportation when they are able.

Steps to join IFP

1. View the initial orientation video to understand program expectations.

2. Complete online registration and sign up for a virtual orientation with the International Friendship Program coordinator.

3. Make sure to select the current semester program after you register your account (Spring 2025 IFP), or you will NOT be matched as an IFP participant. 

4. Attend the virtual orientation.

5. Wait to be matched with a host by the beginning of the semester.

Students will be notified when they are matched with a community host (family or individual) by the start of the semester. After notification of being matched, students will receive a welcome email from their host. Students can then make plans with their host to meet at an IFP mixer event or on their own time at a mutually agreed upon time and place.

At any time in the process, students can email questions to the IFP coordinator at