A Century of Impact: Purdue University’s Ongoing Commitment to United Way of Greater Lafayette

The United Way of Greater Lafayette recently celebrated a significant milestone: 100 years of service to our local community. This century of dedication has seen remarkable growth and immense community impact. Through collaborations with Purdue University and various community partnerships, the United Way of Greater Lafayette has raised over $180 million to support the people of our region, working with 27 local Tippecanoe County agencies to create a more vibrant and equitable community for all.
Purdue University proudly stands as one of the largest contributors to the local United Way campaign. Over the past two decades, the university’s campaign has consistently raised an average of 15% of the total annual United Way campaigns, with contributions in 2022 alone totaling $657,910. Our ongoing partnership with United Way is a testament to our commitment to the Greater Lafayette area.
The funds raised through the Purdue United Way campaign directly benefit local agencies that provide essential services to those in need. These agencies ensure food and housing for families in crisis, mental health services for children, adult literacy education, and much more. These resources are vital to the Purdue University community, supporting students, faculty, and staff in various ways, from family counseling to mental health and addiction services, disability services, senior services, and beyond.
Our support for the United Way doesn’t end with monetary contributions; it extends to volunteer hours and engaged scholarship, service, and experiential learning across campus. The United Way and its partner agencies are trusted university partners that collaborate year-round with faculty and student groups.
As we approach the end of this year’s campaign, we need your support to reach our goal. There’s just over one week left, and we have $100,000 left to raise. In celebration of United Way of Greater Lafayette’s 100th anniversary, all new donors who contribute $100 or more and returning donors who increase their contribution by $100 or more over last year’s donation will receive a special gift featuring some of Greater Lafayette’s favorite restaurants and ice cream parlors.
Purdue’s excellence is intricately tied to the strength of the Greater Lafayette community. By supporting the United Way, you can help our neighbors, colleagues, and friends enjoy the high quality of life that has sustained this university for over 150 years. Join us in giving back and making a difference in the lives of those in need. Together, we can create lasting solutions to the challenges our community faces. All In! Boilermakers making a difference.
Source: Beth McNeil, Virginia Vought, Lisa Duncan