National Hispanic Heritage Month

Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. Join the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars as we recognize the success of our former students and celebrate the students of today who are making a difference.

Former student plants seeds for growth, sustainability

Former student Val Schull

Val Schull (Ph.D., 2021) 

When Val Schull conducted graduate study at Purdue, first for their master’s degree and then a doctorate in agricultural and biological engineering, they were encouraged by their advisor, Dr. Margaret Gitau, to think creatively and to be a problem solver. Val applied that advice not only to their graduate work in water quality modeling and sustainable farm research, but also to helping others on campus learn about food production and have access to culturally important foods.

"As a queer and nonbinary Latinx person, it has been great to see the LCC collaborate with the cultural centers on campus to bring programs that demonstrate how the Latinx/e community is not a monolith."

- Val Schull

Read Val's full story at the Latino Cultural Center site

Global Ambassador: Louis Caceres Martinez

Louis Caceres Martinez

Louis Caceres Martinez, from Colombia is a Ph.D. student in Engineering Technology. His present research focuses on the chemical and physical characterization of aviation fuels, especially through gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, for the development of sustainable alternatives aiming to reduce life cycle GHG emissions compared to conventional jet fuel.

Global Ambassador Profile of Louis Caceres Martinez


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Latino Cultural Center

The Purdue University Latino Cultural Center creates an inclusive environment for the entire campus community, fostering meaningful dialogue and cultural understanding of Latinx communities. We support Latinx faculty and staff while we recruit, retain and empower Latinx students to succeed, giving them a sense of belonging until graduation and beyond.

LCC Website
LCC Instagram

Latinx Graduate Student Organization

The LGSO addresses the needs of Purdue's Latinx graduate student population through professional development, academic support, social support, and by amplifying thr Latinx graduate student community and culture.

LGSO Website
LGSO Facebook