Lunch and Learn Webinar Series

04. The Essence of Connectivity

This module explores how integrating technology within manufacturing spaces can aid companies. Through this, collaborative systems can be implemented that respond in real-time to meet conditions in the factory, the supply network, and customer demand. This is discussed concerning how the guest speakers Martin Jun and Eunseob Kim have been employing tactics to achieve this within the WHIN region. Various technologies such as sensors are utilized to convey machine data to the cloud. Software is applied to transform data into useful information to make decisions. Real examples of implementation are discussed and shown. In particular, MTConnect's application, an opensource software, is outlined. Lastly, further development and testing are employed to detect and address issues as they arise.


Ted Fiock - Purdue WHIN Managing Director
Martin Jun - Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
Eunseob Kim - PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

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