Lunch and Learn Webinar Series

03. Big Data and Data Analytics

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are the processes by which algorithms are created that learn to solve problems by analyzing data for patterns. This topic is discussed in detail. The basics of how “coding” is different from “learning are explained. In a broader sense the benefits of survey data is analyzed show how data and AI/ML technology is currently being adopted and utilized by manufacturing companies as well as an outlook on how companies will be using these tools in the future. From the company perspective of, MPI, we see how data is tracked in industry for the purpose of production automation for the purpose of predictive maintenance and quality metrics.


Steve Dunlop - Managing Director, DCMME and GSCMI Center
Ted Fiock - Purdue WHIN Managing Director
Ali Shakouri - Purdue University
Mitch Landess - Conexus Indiana
Robert Bierwagen - MPI

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