Handy references for healthful fish eating


Charles Santerre has created an app to help people know how much and what kind of fish they can consume safety. Photo by Vincent Walter

03/03/2016 |

Seafood is an important part of a healthy diet, but too much of certain kinds can have harmful effects. Charles Santerre, professor of nutrition science, studies the risks from mercury- and PCB-contaminated fish and the benefits of healthy fats on sensitive populations like pregnant women and nursing infants, and has turned his findings into handy reference guides.

Santerre has created a “Fish for your Health” wallet card, which is being used by the Indiana and Florida departments of health to educate pregnant women on safe fish consumption. The card is also being distributed to more than 1 million people by hospitals and health departments nationally.

Santerre has also created an app for mobile devices that can advise pregnant or nursing women on healthful seafood consumption. His colleague, Kathleen Hill Gallant, used the app during her recent pregnancy.

Fish4Health was the winner of the Babble Top 25 iPhone Apps for Pregnancy in 2011. He hopes to expand his research, and use the app as a method to collect data for future studies. “It’s amazing how many people in the world have smart phones,” he says. “It’s the best way to deliver information around the planet.”

– Sarah Anderson
See original article at http://bit.ly/1NiEq5V