Advancing A New Era Of Discovery And Innovation
From small steps to giant leaps, from our backyard to the surface of the moon, Purdue University has spent its first 150 years plotting a course for success as a global research leader, a pillar of higher education equipping the next generation of leaders and addressing the world’s grand challenges.
In its very nature, Purdue has defined what it means to create rather than copy, and attracts those with a personality marked by curiosity, inquisitiveness and a deep desire to learn how things work. The world knows these women and men as game-changers.
We call them Boilermakers.
For generations since 1869, Boilermakers have been driven to ask questions, to research, to create, to innovate, to refine, to challenge ourselves and others, to seek solutions — to blaze new trails. All the while, knowing the idea alone isn’t enough. It must be proven, its potential impact defined.
We lead more and more major, national research centers every year. We invest heavily in our faculty and laboratories for advancing pure research. We foster a preeminent, collaborative environment of intellectual discourse and high-tech commercial enterprise, strengthening our ties to industry, other leading research institutions and foundations. These partnerships move beyond traditional boundaries and disciplines by connecting major stakeholders to create solutions for a better world.
Mind-opening realizations. World-changing discoveries. A persistent pursuit of innovation, together.
We’re charting new territory.
EVPRP 2018-2019 Annual Report Articles
AI, Algorithms and Automation
Innovations in digitization, machine learning, robotics and artificial intelligence are profoundly reshaping every aspect of life. Finding that balance between humanity and technology will be critical.
Technological advances are ushering in a new era of research to assess, detect, prevent, and treat diseases while optimizing the quality of life and enabling longer and higher-quality human life.
Purdue Legends
Purdue alumni and faculty who never stopped in their persistent pursuit of the next giant leap. Innovating, developing, advancing practical solutions to the toughest challenges in building a better world together. We call them Purdue Legends
Global security risks and instability threaten to transform society in ways not previously contemplated. These conflicts and security issues, both technical and social, must be confronted in devising pathways to greater security.
The future of life on Earth and the challenges of expanding into our solar and stellar neighborhood could yield economic, social and scientific rewards — if we can mitigate the risk and overcome technological challenges.
In the last 200 years, the global population has grown from 1 billion to 7.6 billion; the projection is 10 billion by 2050. The challenge is managing technology, innovation and the marketplace for sustainable growth.
Research Data
Purdue reached a record high of $672 million in research expenditures in fiscal year 2018-19 as reported to the National Science Foundation Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) survey — an increase of $28 million over the year prior.
Included in that record are $253 million from federal research funds and $419 million from nonfederal sources such as state and local government, businesses and nonprofits, institutional support and other foreign government and U.S. universities. Profit and nonprofit expenditures totaled $90 million, with $61 million from business and $29 million from nonprofit.
Research Expenditures Federal and Nonfederal
Research Expenditures Business and Nonprofit
Research Expenditures Federal Agency
National Science Foundation (NSF)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
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