University-Sponsored Social Media Outlets (VII.C.2)

Volume VII: Information Technology
Chapter C: World Wide Web
Responsible Executive: Executive Vice President for Communication
Responsible Office: Marketing and Media
Date Issued: February 1, 2013
Date Last Revised: August 22, 2019


Statement of Policy
Reason for This Policy
Individuals and Entities Affected by This Policy
Who Should Know This Policy
Website Address for This Policy
Related Documents, Forms and Tools
History and Updates


The use of Social Media Outlets provides the University and its faculty, staff and students the opportunity to share and exchange information nearly instantaneously with other users all over the world. The information may be further shared outside the original network of users, thus expanding the reach of the information. This capability brings with it the potential to impact the reputation of the University and those who represent it. In an effort to manage this impact, Purdue University requires that all University-Sponsored Social Media Outlets be used in accordance with this policy.

Each University-Sponsored Social Media Outlet must have at least two Account Administrators assigned to monitor the site and ensure it adheres to the following:

  1. Has approval of the unit head and is registered with the appropriate Campus Authority.
  2. Includes the prescribed disclaimer statement regarding opinions and links contained within the site.
  3. Adheres to the terms of use/service set forth by any applicable third-party Social Media Outlet.
  4. Complies with all laws, regulations and University policies, including but not limited to harassment, privacy, confidentiality, copyright, trademark, intellectual property, information security, information technology, commercial soliciting and libel.
  5. Uses University symbols and logos in accordance with University policies.


Purdue University recognizes the opportunities and benefits afforded by Social Media Outlets, as well as the risks. The intent of this policy is to promote the appropriate and effective use of University-Sponsored Social Media Outlets. Through a coordinated effort, faculty, staff and students will be able to more effectively engage with the University community in our state, across the nation and around the world.


All units, faculty, staff and students of Purdue University.


Vice Presidents
Vice Chancellors
Vice Provosts
Department Heads and Chairs


Personal accounts with Social Media Outlets for private use are not governed by this policy. The University reaffirms its commitment to freedom of speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Accordingly, nothing in this policy is intended to limit any speech or conduct protected by the First Amendment.



Policy Clarification




Office of Marketing and Media


Registration and Campus Specific Questions




Fort Wayne: Communications and Marketing


Northwest: Marketing and Communications


West Lafayette: Office of Marketing and Media



All defined terms are capitalized throughout the document. Refer to the central Policy Glossary for additional defined terms. 

Account Administrator
An individual assigned the responsibility of maintaining a Social Media Outlet on behalf of the University.

Campus Authority
The designated Campus Authorities are as follows:

  • Calumet: Office of University Relations
  • Fort Wayne: Office of Communications and Marketing
  • North Central: Office of Marketing and Campus Relations
  • West Lafayette: Office of Marketing and Media

Social Media Outlets
Any online medium that allows a user to create and publish content (e.g., text, photos, video). This includes wikis, blogs, podcasts and third-party websites including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram and Google Plus.

Used in an official capacity by a college, school, department, office, program or other unit of the University for purposes of representing the unit by disseminating news and information, promoting activities and/or otherwise communicating with its community members or the public in general.


Account Administrators

  • Use and maintain Social Media Outlets to which they have been assigned in accordance with this policy.
  • Notify the Campus Authority of any changes in Social Media Outlet registration information.
  • Take appropriate steps to ensure Social Media Outlets that are terminated are no longer visible to the public and that content can no longer be posted to them.

Campus Authorities

  • Develop, maintain and make available online a list of best practices for using Social Media Outlets.
  • Assist units as requested in assessing the need for Social Media Outlets and developing their strategy.
  • Maintain Social Media Outlet registration information provided by units on their campus.
  • In the event they see that use of a University-Sponsored Social Media Outlet has violated this policy or appears to no longer be maintained, notify the unit sponsoring the site of the problem and work with the unit to resolve the issue or terminate the site.

Colleges, Schools, Departments, Offices, Programs and Other Units of the University

  • Comply with the procedures for initiating new University-Sponsored Social Media Outlets.
  • Bring existing University-Sponsored Social Media Outlets into compliance with this policy by the date specified by the Campus Authority.
  • Periodically reassess their Social Media Outlet use.
  • Respond to notices of inappropriate or illegal use of Social Media Outlets under their control.

Office of Marketing and Media

  • Administer this policy.

Unit Heads

  • Review and determine whether to approve the use of Social Media Outlets in an official capacity for their unit.
  • Assign, or designate authority to assign, at least one Account Administrator to maintain the Social Media Outlet.


  1. Resources

    1. The Office of Marketing and Media on the West Lafayette campus will develop, maintain and make available online a Guide to Social Media that will include information on planning for Social Media Outlet use, registration of Social Media Outlets, best practices for maintaining Social Media Outlets and troubleshooting.
    2. Each Campus Authority may develop supplementary documents to the guide that are specific to his or her campus.

  2. Initiation of a New University-Sponsored Social Media Outlet

    1. Approval

      The unit must have the approval of its unit head. For academic units this is the dean, and for all other units this is the vice president, vice provost or vice chancellor. The unit must then notify the appropriate Campus Authority of its plans.

    2. Assignment of Account Administrators

      The head of the unit (or his or her designee) must assign at least two Account Administrators to act concurrently. These individuals must be benefits-eligible faculty or staff. Account Administrators may delegate portions of their duties to other faculty, staff or currently enrolled students, but the Account Administrator is ultimately responsible for maintaining the Social Media Outlet.

    3. Registration

      Once the University-Sponsored Social Media Outlet is established, the unit must provide the following information to its Campus Authority:
      • Name of unit sponsoring the site.
      • Social Media Outlet service being used.
      • Name and contact information of Account Administrator(s).
      • Account login information/administrator access.

      This information must be updated with the Campus Authority anytime something changes. Detailed information on submitting registration information can be found in the Guide to Social Media.

  3. Existing University-Sponsored Social Media Outlets

    All University-Sponsored Social Media Outlets in existence prior to this policy’s issue date must have Account Administrators assigned and be registered in accordance with sections I.B and I.C above within 90 days of the policy’s issue date.

  4. Use and Maintenance of University-Sponsored Social Media Outlets

    1. Disclaimers

      All University-Sponsored Social Media Outlets must contain one of the following disclaimers. If character space allows, sites are to use the full version disclaimer; a short version is provided for sites that have limited character space.

      1. Full Version

        Opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily represent the official views of [insert campus name]. This site may contain links to websites and services outside the [insert campus name] domain. [Insert campus name] does not endorse, takes no responsibility for and exercises no control over the views or content contained on these independent sites, nor does it vouch for the accuracy or accessibility of the information contained on them. [Insert campus name] cannot authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained in linked websites. Users must request such authorization from the sponsor of the independent site.

      2. Short Version

        Opinions expressed on this site may not represent the official views of [insert campus name].

    2. Maintenance

      1. Account Administrators are responsible for the maintenance of the Social Media Outlet, which includes:

        • Complying with this policy and related laws, regulations and University policies, and any applicable terms and conditions imposed by any third-party Social Media Outlet.
        • Regularly generating new content on the Social Media Outlet.
        • Monitoring comments posted to the Social Media Outlet and responding appropriately.

        Additional information on maintaining Social Media Outlets can be found in the Guide to Social Media.

      2. While Campus Authorities are not required or expected to monitor University-Sponsored Social Media Outlets, they are authorized to do so and, when necessary, intervene to respond to comments appropriately.

    3. Changes in Account Administrator

      1. If, for any reason, an Account Administrator is no longer able to perform the required duties, the unit head (or his or her designee) must designate a new Account Administrator. Account Administrators must ensure that any former Account Administrator no longer has access to the site and update the registration information with the Campus Authority (see section I.C. above).
      2. If, for any reason, an individual to whom the Account Administrator has delegated a portion of his or her duties is no longer able to perform the required duties, the Account Administrator must ensure that the delegate no longer has access to the site.

    4. Reassessment of Social Media Outlet Use

      Units are encouraged to periodically reassess their Social Media Outlet use, taking into consideration the factors outlined in the Guide to Social Media.

  5. Termination of a University-Sponsored Social Media Outlet

    1. Termination by the Unit

      Units may terminate the use of Social Media Outlets at any time. In such instances, the Account Administrator will take appropriate steps to ensure the site is no longer visible to the public and that content can no longer be posted to the site (refer to the Guide to Social Media for detailed information). The Account Administrator also will notify the Campus Authority that use of the site has been terminated.

    2. Termination by the Campus Authority

      In the event the Campus Authority determines that use of a University-Sponsored Social Media Outlet has violated this policy or appears to no longer be maintained, he or she will contact the unit sponsoring the site to notify them of the issue. If attempts to remedy the situation fail, the Campus Authority may elect to terminate the use of the Social Media Outlet. In so doing, he or she will take appropriate steps to ensure the site is no longer visible to the public and that content can no longer be posted to the site.

  6. Campus, College, School and Department Policies and Practices

    Individual campuses, colleges, schools or departments may maintain more stringent policies or practices to address the use of University-Sponsored Social Media Outlets. In the event of an apparent conflict between a lower-level policy or practice and this policy, the provisions of this policy will prevail.


Guide to Social Media

Policies and Standards:

University Copyright Office

Use of University symbols and logos


August 22, 2019: Updated Contacts and Definitions sections.

March 8, 2019: Updated responsible executive title, Contacts section and Related Documents, Forms and Tools section.

February 1, 2013: This is the first system-wide policy to address this topic.


There are no appendices to this policy.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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