Behavior Intervention Team
The mission of the Purdue University Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) is to promote the safety and well-being of the Purdue University community. The team provides an institutional framework for information sharing and development of support plans for students of concern.
Potential behaviors of concern will be identified and addressed through education of campus constituents so they are able to identify and communicate to the proper authorities in a timely manner.
The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) is a multidisciplinary team focused on early intervention for any student who has raised concerns and may be at risk of harming either themselves or others, or who pose a significant disruption to the living, learning or work environment. The team receives and reviews reports of threats and other concerning student behavior for the purpose of developing a support plan that mitigates risk and promotes student well-being and success within existing University policies.
Team Responsibilities
- Receive, review and maintain a record of information about concerns regarding student behavior that is potentially harmful and/or disruptive to the University community
- Perform initial assessment of risk and develop a support plan, within existing University policies, to mitigate risk and promote student well-being and success. Provide follow-up and assessment of support plan.
- Make recommendations for action and share information with University faculty, staff and others, as appropriate, to assist with managing potentially harmful or disruptive behavior
- Educate the University community on the Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) process and how to identify and report student behaviors of concern
- Identify University policy and procedural issues and recommend changes to appropriate entities
- Review Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) procedures and protocols, and assess team effectiveness and compliance with University policies
Reporting a Concern
Faculty, staff, students or others who are concerned about a student's behavior are encouraged to report the concern to the following form- Student of Concern Report. Please contact the Purdue University Police Department for immediate concerns regarding safety (765-494-8221) or Counseling & Psychological Services for mental health crises (765-494-6995).