This week’s ‘Thumbs Up’ recipients

A winter scene on the Purdue University campus.

“Thumbs Up” gives faculty and staff the chance to recognize others on campus for a job well done. “Thumbs Up” submissions may be made online.

Jennifer Alter

Jennifer Alter (College of Pharmacy): I want to thank Jennifer Alter for making sure that all of the PharmD students graduating in May applied to graduate. Thank you for making sure that all of the students — even those who missed the original deadline — were taken care of and are able to participate in commencement! — Katie May (College of Pharmacy)

Kurt Ristroph

Kurt Ristroph (Agricultural and Biological Engineering): A hearty thank-you to ABE professor and Cajun authority Kurt Ristroph for bringing red beans and rice and king cake for a Mardi Gras celebration in the department. The food was amazing, and the morale boost that accompanied it was much needed! — Carol Weaver (Agricultural and Biological Engineering)

Jennifer Ulutas and Steve Myszak

Jennifer Ulutas and Steve Myszak (both College of Pharmacy): Jen and Steve did an amazing job with organizing and facilitating PharmD interviews! — Katie May (College of Pharmacy)

Purdue Academic Advising Association steering committee

Purdue Academic Advising Association steering committee: Huge thank-you to Cara Wetzel (Exploratory Studies), Jo Thomas (College of Health and Human Sciences) and all members of the PACADA steering committee for organizing the annual business meeting. It was nice to be able to get people from across campus together! — Katie May (College of Pharmacy)

Purdue Academic Advising Association awards committee

Purdue Academic Advising Association awards committee: Thank you to Miranda Baer (Mechanical Engineering), Tim Kerr (College of Agriculture), Tatyanna Jordan (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Lynette Bleed and Linda Gregory (both Exploratory Studies) for your contributions to the awards committee. It has been great working with you all to find ways to recognize advisors across campus. Thank you all for your help with getting everything set up for our part in the annual business meeting. — Katie May (College of Pharmacy)

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