Journal Articles Per Year (total n: 60; 51 peer-reviewed)
2023 (8 peer-review and 2 invited)
- Hahn Arkenberg, R., Mitchell, S.S., Brown, B., Craig, B.A., Burdo-Hartman, W., Lundine, J., Goffman, L., Smith., A. & Malandraki, G.A. (2023). Neuromuscular adaptations of swallowing and speech in Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: Shared and distinctive traits. Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(6), 1375-1391.
- Debnath, S., Woeppel, A.B., Paz, C., Rogus-Pulia, N., Kimple, R.J., Malandraki, G.A., & Boudouris, B.W. (2023). Acrylamide-based saliva-gels as a potential xerostomia treatment. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 5(10), 7698-7704.
- Hahn Arkenberg, R., Brown, B., Mitchell, S.S., Craig, B.A., Goffman, L., & Malandraki, G.A. (2023). Shared and separate neuromuscular underpinnings of swallowing and motor speech development in the school age years. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 66(9), 3260-3275.
- Ambrocio, K.R., (Focht) Garand, K.L., Roy, B., Bhutada, A.M., & Malandraki, G.A. (2023). Diagnosing and managing dysphagia in sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis (sIBM): A Systematic review. Rhematology, 62(10), 3227-3244.
- Roy, B., Lucchini, M., Lilleker, J., Goyal, N., Naddaf, E., Adler, B., Alfano, L., Malandraki, G.A., (Focht) Garand, K.L., Mochel, D., Lloyd, T., Badrising, U., Machado, P., Pagkatipuanan, R., Ramdharry, G., Wang, L., Schidt, J., Kushlaf, H., Schiopu, E., Stipancic, K., Kearner, E., Goyal, N., Dalessandro, M., Conticini, E., Mears, A., Cruz-Coble, B., Griggs, R., & Dimachkie, M. (2023). Current status of clinical outcome measures in inclusion body myositis: a systematized review. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 41(2), 370-378.
- (Focht) Garand, K.L., Malandraki, G.A, Stipancic, K.L., Kearney, E., Roy, B., & Alfano, L.N., on behalf of the Inclusion Body Myositis Scientific Interest Group from International Myositis Assessment and Clinical Studies (IMACS) (2023). Paucity of Bulbar Function Measures in IBM Trials: A Commentary. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 41(2), 399.
- Malandraki, G.A., Kantarcigil, C., Craig, B.A., Zhang, Y. & Gordon, A.M. (2023). Day-to-day variability of clinical feeding and swallowing performance in school-age self-feeding children with cerebral palsy. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 32(1), 190-200.
- Sevitz, J.S.,2, Bryan, J.L2, Mitchell, S2, Craig., B.A., Huber, J.E., Troche, M.S., & Malandraki, G.A. (2023). Telehealth management of dysphagia in adults: An international survey of clinicians’ experiences and perceptions. Dysphagia, 38(4), 1184-1199.
- (Focht) Garand, K.L., Malandraki, G.A., & Dimachkie, M.M. (2023). Update on the Evaluation and Management of Dysphagia in Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 31(6), 362-367.
- Malandraki, G.A. (2023). Advances for dysphagia in the digital age: Integrative Imaging and wearable technologies. Folia Phoniatrica Logopedica, 75(4), 208-218.
2022 (4 peer-review)
- Sevitz, J.S., Bryan, J.L., Mitchell, S.S. Craig, B. A., Huber, J., Troche, M., Malandraki, G.A. (2022). Telehealth Management of Dysphagia in Adults: A Survey of Speech Language Pathologists’ Experiences and Perceptions. Dysphagia.
- Malandraki, G.A., Kantarcigil , C., Craig, B.A., Zhang, Y. & Gordon, A.M. (2022). Day-to-day variability of clinical feeding and swallowing performance in school-age self feeding children with cerebral palsy. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, ePub ahead of issue.
- Malandraki, G. A., Mitchell, S. S., Hahn Arkenberg, R. E., Brown, B., Craig, B. Α., Burdo-Hartman, W., ... & Goffman, L. (2022). Swallowing and Motor Speech Skills in Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: Novel Findings From a Preliminary Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65(9), 3300-3315.
- Alfano, L. N., Focht Garand, K. L., Malandraki, G. A., Salam, S., Machado, P. M., & Dimachkie, M. M. (2022). Measuring change in inclusion body myositis: clinical assessments versus imaging. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 40(2), 404-413.
2021 (5 peer-review)
- Malandraki, G.A., & Hahn Arkenberg, R. (2021). Advances in swallowing neurophysiology across pediatric development: Current evidence and insights. Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep
- Alvar, A., Hahn Arkenberg, R.H., McGowan, B., Cheng, H., & Malandraki*, G.A. (2021). The role of white matter in the neural control of swallowing: A systematic review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 28 June 2021.
- Malandraki, G.A., Hahn Arkenberg , R.H., Mitchell , S., & Bauer Malandraki, J.L. (2021). Telehealth for dysphagia across the life span: Using Contemporary Evidence and Expertise to Guide Clinical Practice during and after COVID-19. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 30(2), 532-550.
- Borders, J., Sevitz, J.S., Bauer Malandraki, J.L., Malandraki, G.A., & Troche*, M. (2021). Objective and Subjective Clinical Swallowing Outcomes via Telehealth: Reliability in Outpatient Clinical Practice. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 30(2), 598-608.
- Miles, A., Connor, N., Varindani Desai, R., Jadcherla, S., Allen, J., Brodsky, M., Garand, K., Malandraki, G.A., McCulloch, T. Moss, M., Murray, J., Pulia, M., Riquelme, L., & Langmore, S. (2021). Dysphagia care across the continuum: A multidisciplinary Dysphagia Research Society Taskforce report of service-delivery during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Dysphagia, 36, 170– 182.
2020 (4 peer-review)
- Kantarcigil, C., Kim, M. K., Chang, T. Smith, A., Craig, B., Lee, C.H., & Malandraki, G.A. (2020). Validation of a novel wearable electromyography patch for monitoring submental muscle activity during swallowing: A randomized crossover trial. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 63, 3293–3310.
- Venkatraman, A., Fujiki, R.B., Craig, B.A., Sivasankar, M.P, & Malandraki, G.A. (2020). Determining the Underlying Relationship Between Swallowing and Maximum Vocal Pitch Elevation: A Preliminary Study of Their Hyoid Biomechanics in Healthy Adults. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 63, 3408–3418.
- Miles, A., Connor, N., Varindani Desai, R., Jadcherla, S., Allen, J., Brodsky, M., Garand, K., Malandraki, G.A., McCulloch, T. Moss, M., Murray, J., Pulia, M., Riquelme, L., & Langmore, S. (2020). Dysphagia care across the continuum: A multidisciplinary Dysphagia Research Society Taskforce report of service-delivery during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Dysphagia.
- Zimmerman, E. Carnaby, G., Lazarus, C., & Malandraki, G.A. (2020). Motor Learning, Neuroplasticity, Strength and Skill Training: Moving from Compensation to Retraining in Behavioral Management of Dysphagia. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 29, 1065-1077.
2019 (6 peer-review)
- Kim, M. K., Kantarcigil, C., Kim B., Kumar Baruah, R., Maity, S., Park, Y., Kim, K., Lee, S., Bauer Malandraki, J., Avlani, S., Smith, A., Sen, S, Alam, M.A., Malandraki, GA, & Lee, CH (2019). Skin-mountable submental sensor patch with remote monitoring controls for management of oropharyngeal swallowing disorders. Science Advances, 5(12), eaay3210.
- Hemsley, B., Steel, J., Sheppard, J.J., Malandraki, G.A., Bryant, L,. & Balandin, S. (2019). Dying for a Meal: An Integrative review of Characteristics of Choking Incidents and Recommendations to Prevent Fatal and Non-Fatal Choking Across Populations. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology.
- Fujiki, R.B., Oliver, A., Bauer Malandraki, J., Wetzel, D., Craig, B.A., & Malandraki, G.A. (2019). The Recline and the Head Lift Exercises: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Biomechanical Swallowing Outcomes and Perceived Effort in Healthy Older Adults. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research.
- Fujiki, R.B., Oliver, A., Sivasankar, M.P., & Malandraki, G.A. (2019). Secondary Voice Outcomes of a Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Two Head/Neck Strengthening Exercises: A Brief Report. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research.
- Sejdic, E., Malandraki, G.A., Coyle, J. (2019). Computational deglutition: Signal and image processing methods to understand swallowing and associated disorders. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
- Mishra, A., Malandraki, G.A., Sheppard, J.J., Gordon, A.M., Levy, E. S., & Troche, M.S. (2019). Airway protective behaviors and clinical swallow function in children with spastic cerebral palsy and healthy controls. Dysphagia, 34(2),145-154.
2018 (3 peer-review and 1 invited articles)
- Mishra, A., Malandraki, G.A., Sheppard, J.J., Gordon, A.M., Levy, E. S., & Troche, M.S. (2018). Airway protective behaviors and clinical swallow function in children with spastic cerebral palsy and healthy controls. Epub ahead of print.
- Mishra, Sheppard, J.J., Kantarcigil, C., Gordon, A.M., & Malandraki, G.M. (2018). Novel mealtime duration measures: Reliability and preliminary associations with clinical feeding and swallowing performance in self-feeding children with cerebral palsy. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 27(1), 99-107.
- Georgopoulos, V.C., Perdikogianni, M., Mouskenteri, M., Psychogiou L., Oiconomou M., Malandraki, G.A. (2018). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the SWAL-QOL questionnaire in Greek. Dysphagia, 33(1), 91-99.
- Malandraki, G.A., & Hutcheson, K.A. (2018). Intensive Therapies for Dysphagia: Implementation of the Intensive Dysphagia Rehabilitation and the MD Anderson Swallowing Boot Camp Approaches. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, SIG13, 3(Part 4), 133-145. [peer-reviewed]
2017 (4 peer-review and 1 invited articles)
- Mourao,F., Friel, K., Sheppard, J.J., Kuo, H.S., Luchesi, K., Gordon, A.M., & Malandraki, G.M. (2017). The role of the corpus callosum in pediatric dysphagia: preliminary findings from a Diffusion Tensor Imaging study in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy. Dysphagia, 32(5), 703-713.
- Sheppard, J.J., Malandraki, G.A., Hemsley, , Troche, M., Balandin, S., Hochman, R., Pifer, P., Cuff, J., & Mishra, A. (2017). Validation of the Choking Risk Assessment and Pneumonia Risk Assessment for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 69, 61-76.
- Rajappa, T., Soriano, K., Zeimer, C., Troche, M.S., Bauer Malandraki, J., & Malandraki, G.A. (2017). Reduced maximum pitch elevation predicts silent aspiration of small liquid volumes in stroke patients. Frontiers in Neurology (Stroke), 8, 436. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00436.
- Kantarcigil, & Malandraki, G.A. (2017). First step in telehealth assessment: A randomized controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness of an electronic case history form for dysphagia. Dysphagia, 32(4), 548-558.
- Malandraki, G.A., & Kantarcigil, C. (2017). Telehealth for dysphagia rehabilitation: The present and the future. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, SIG18. (Invited and peer-reviewed)
2016 (3 peer-review and 3 invited articles)
- Malandraki, G.A., Rajappa, A., Kantarcigil, C., Wagner, E., Ivey, C., & Youse, K. (2016). The Intensive Dysphagia Rehabilitation (IDR) approach for neurogenic dysphagia: A Case-Series Design Study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97, 567-574.
- Kantarcigil, C., Sheppard, J.J., Gordon, A.M., Friel, K., & Malandraki, G.A. (2016). A telehealth approach to conducting clinical swallowing evaluations in children with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 55, 207-217.
- Malandraki, G.A., Markaki, V., Georgopoulos, V.C., Psychogios, L., & Nanas, S. (2016). Post-extubation dysphagia in critical patients: a first report from the largest step-down ICU of Greece. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 25, 150-156.
- Ciucci, M., Jones, C.A., Malandraki, G.A., & Hutcheson, K.A. (2016). Dysphagia Practice in 2035: Beyond Fluorography, Thickener, and Electrical Stimulation. Seminars in Speech and Language, 37(3), 201-18. (Invited)
- Wagner, E., & Malandraki, G.A. (2016). The development and impact of a university-based Dysphagia Research Clinic in the education of graduate students. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, SIG13, 1(Part 3), 113-121. (Invited and peer-reviewed)
- Rajappa,, & Malandraki, G.A. (2016). The neural control of oropharyngeal somatosenation and taste: A review for clinicians. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, SIG13, 1(Part 1), 48-55. (Invited and peer-reviewed)
2015 (1 peer-review and 1 invited articles)
- Mishra, A., Rajappa, A., Tipton, E., & Malandraki, G.A. (2015). The Recline Exercise: comparisons with the head lift exercise in healthy adults. Dysphagia, 30(6), 730-737.
- Rogus-Pulia, N., Malandraki, G.A., Johnson, S., & Robbins, J. (2015). Understanding dysphagia in dementia: The present and the future. Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports, 3, 86-97. (Invited)
2012-2014 (3 peer-review articles)
- Malandraki, G.A., Roth, M., & Sheppard, J.J. (2014). Telepractice in pediatric dysphagia: A case study. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 6(1), 3-16.
- Malandraki, G.A., Markaki, V., Georgopoulos, V.C., Bauer, J.L., Kalogeropoulos, I., & Nanas, S. (2013). An international pilot study of asynchronous teleconsultation for oropharyngeal dysphagia. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 19(2), 75-9.
- Malandraki, G.A., Kauffman, A., Hind, J., Kays, S., Gangnon, R., Waclawik, A., & Robbins, J. (2012). The effects of lingual intervention in a patient with Inclusion Body Myositis and Sjögren's syndrome: A longitudinal case study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93(8), 1469-75.
2011 (5 peer-review and 1 invited articles)
- Malandraki, G.A., McCullough, G., He, X., McWeeny, E., & Perlman, A.L. (2011). Teledynamic evaluation of oropharyngeal swallowing. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 54, 1485-1496.
- Malandraki, G.A., Hind, J., Gangnon, R., Logemann, J., & Robbins, J. (2011). The utility of pitch elevation in the evaluation of oropharyngeal dysphagia: Preliminary findings. American Journal of Speech and Language Pathology, 20(4), 262-268.
- Humbert, I., McLaren, D., Malandraki, G.A., Johnson, S., & Robbins, J. (2011). Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer's disease: preliminary study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 26(2): 347-354.
- Paine, T.L., Conway, C.A., Malandraki, G.A., & Sutton, B.P. (2011). Simultaneous dynamic and functional MRI scanning (SimulScan) of natural swallows. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 65(5), 1247-1252.
- Malandraki, G.A., Perlman, A.L., Karampinos, D., & Sutton, B.P. (2011). Reduced somatosensory activations in swallowing with age. Human Brain Mapping, 32(5), 730-743.
- Malandraki, G.A., Johnson, S., & Robbins, J. (2011). Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of swallowing function: From neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head and Neck, 33 Suppl 1, S14-20. (Invited)
2003-2010 (5 peer-review articles)
- Malandraki, G.A., Sutton, B.P., Perlman, A.L., & Karampinos, D.C. (2010). Age-related differences in laterality of cortical activations in swallowing. Dysphagia, 25(3): 238-249.
- Malandraki, G.A., Sutton, B.P., Perlman, A.L., Karampinos, D.C., & Conway, C. (2009). Neural activation of swallowing and swallowing-related tasks in healthy young adults: An attempt to separate the components of deglutition. Human Brain Mapping, 30(10): 3209-3226.
- Stylios, C.D., Georgopoulos, V.C., Malandraki, G.A., & Chouliara, S. (2008). Fuzzy cognitive map architectures for medical decision support systems. Applied Soft Computing, 8, 1243-1251.
- Malandraki, G.A., & Okalidou, A. (2007). The application of PECS in children with autism and deafness: A case study. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 22, 23-32.
- Georgopoulos, V., Malandraki, G.A., & Stylios, C. (2003). A fuzzy cognitive map approach to differential diagnosis of Specific Language Impairment. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 29, 261-178.
Book chapters on Dysphagia (n=7)
- Malandraki, G.A. (2023). Telehealth for Dysphagia Management: Evidence & Guidance. In R. Leonard & K. Kendall (Eds.), Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment Planning: A Team Approach. Plural Publishing. Online Chapter.
- Park, H., Kim, M.K., Malandraki, G.A., Lee, C.H. (2022). Fabrication of Skin-Mountable Flexible Sensor Patch for Monitoring of Swallowing Function. In: Ossandon, M.R., Baker, H., Rasooly, A. (eds) Biomedical Engineering Technologies. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2393. Humana, New York, NY.
- Malandraki, G.A., & Bauer Malandraki, J. (2019). Oropharyngeal dysphagia in children with cerebral palsy. In M. Gosa & D. Suiter (Eds.), Dysphagia: Diagnosis and treatment in children and adults. New York: Thieme.
- Sheppard, J.J. & Malandraki, G.A. (2015). Pediatric Dysphagia. In G. Mankekar (Ed), Swallowing Diseases, Diagnosis and Management, pp. 161-188. Springer, India.
- Malandraki, G.A. & Robbins. J. (2013). Dysphagia. In M.J. Aminoff, F. Boller, and D.F. Swaab (Eds), Neural Rehabilitation: Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 3rd Series, Volume 110, pp. 255-271. Elsevier.
- Malandraki, G.A. & Robbins, J. (2013). Effects of Aging on Oral Contributions to Deglutition. In R. Shaker, C. Easterling, G. Postma, & P. Belasky, Principles of Deglutition: A Multidisciplinary Text for Swallowing and its Disorders, pp. 137-149. Springer, New York.
- Malandraki, G.A. & Markaki, V. (2011). Traumatic Brain Injury with Intubation and Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: A case study. In A. Koronaios, D. Zervakis, and S. Nanas (Eds) Clinical Intensive Care: Current trends, pp. 123-135. Athens, GR : Gramma (in Greek language).
Media Articles/Coverage and Online Articles
- “Not just a reflex: Swallowing is complicated, but this researcher is making it easier” (2020). Purdue press release story on our research. Available at:,-but-this-researcher-is-making-it-easier.html
- “Purdue classes make strong switch to online during COVID-19” (2020). Purdue press release story on the novel and successful adaptations Dr. Malandraki made for her graduate Dysphagia course once the pandemic hit. Available at:
- “Purdue lab creates free resources for providing telehealth services” (2020). Purdue press release story on the telehealth resources Dr. Malandraki created for clinicians as soon as the pandemic hit. Available at:
- “Purdue Researchers Develop Wearable Swallowing Device” (2020). Interview and article on the Inside Business Indiana website. Available at:
- “Enjoying the joys of life: CEREBBRAL researchers work to help seniors live their best lives” (2018): Article in the Purdue College of Health and Human Sciences Life 360 magazine. Available at:
- “SPIT and I-EaT Labs Study Taste Perception and Dysphagia”. Media coverage by the Purdue Exponent on collaborative study with nutrition science lab (2018). Available at:
- Retrospective Clinical Studies: Using Existing Data to Inform Current Research (WEB2800): Online ASHA CEU course highlighting the article: “Postextubation Dysphagia in Critical Patients: A First Report from the Largest Step- Down Intensive Care Unit in Greece, by Malandraki, Markaki, Georgopoulos, Psychogios, & Nanas. Available at:
- Kantarcigil, C. & Malandraki, G.A. (2016). The Rise of Telehealth in the United States: The present and the future of dysphagia telerehabilitation. Invited article on Dysphagia Cafe website. Available at:
- Purdue I-EaT Swallowing Research Lab Engagement Event Announcement. Pals of Cerebral Palsy. Media coverage by the Purdue Health Sciences media: Available at:,-cerebral-palsy.html.
- Malandraki, G.A. (2014). International Faculty Spotlight in the ASHA Asian Indian Caucus (ASHA Kiran) Newsletter. Available at:
- Malandraki, G.A. (2014). What fMRI can tell us about Swallowing? Invited article on Dysphagia Cafe website. Available at:
- Swallowing Clinic at Teachers College, Columbia University (2013). National Fox News – Health Section led by Dr. Manny Alvarez. This media piece was aired on May 16th 2013. Available at:
- Malandraki, G.A., McCullough, G., & Perlman, A. (2012, April 24). Dysphagia Assessment at a Distance. The ASHA Leader. Available at:
If you would like to request a copy of any of our publications, please email us at We are always very happy to share our research!