West Lafayette Campus Lacation Spaces
Recognizing the benefits of breastfeeding and in compliance with the Patient Protection and Affordable care Act of 2010, Section 4207
An employer shall provide a reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for 1 year after the child’s birth each time such employee has need to express the milk and a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public.
Purdue University provides over 40 locations throughout the West Lafayette campus. Each of the lactation location provides space where lactating employees are welcome to express milk. Most of these spaces are equipped with seating, a table or desk, and an outlet. Some rooms have dimmed lighting or window, a sink nearby, and refrigerator available for storing expressed milk.
2550, Suite 1900 Room 1930F |
Marcia Dillman 765-494-7150 mldill@purdue.edu |
This fully private space includes lockable/occupied sign, outlet, table/desk, sink nearby, refrigerator and hand sanitizer/wipes. |
Agricultural & Biological Engineering (ABE) 1028 | Tyler Finley 765-494-1218 tjfinley@purdue.edu |
This fully private space includes seating, table/desk, sink and lockable/occupied sign. Has outlet. Requires key access. Refrigerator nearby. First come, first serve. |
Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab (ADDL) 379 - Office | Mary Ruzicka 765-494-7448 mruzicka@purdue.edu |
This fully private space includes dimmed lighting, an outlet, seating, table/desk, window, refrigerator, and has a sink nearby. Room is lockable/occupied sign. Has hand sanitizer/wipes. Key access is required. |
Neil Armstrong Engineering Building (ARMS) 3153 | Phil Qualio 765-496-9757 philq@purdue.edu |
The room is a fully private space with seating, table/desk, outlet, and sink is nearby. Key access is not required. Room is lockable. Hand sanitizer/wipes available. |
Animal Holding Facility 1088 | Scott Fix 765-496-8392 safix@purdue.edu |
Includes seating, table/desk, nearby sink, refrigeration hand sanitizer/wipes and outlet. Fully private, lockable/occupied sign. |
Biochemistry Building Room (BCHM) 317 | Karyn Rodkey 765-494-1645 rodkey@purdue.edu |
This private, lockable, space includes an outlet, seating, table/desk, and a sink nearby. |
Beck Ag Center – Room 106 (Privacy/Lactation Room) | Lauren Lee Johnson 765-496-7899 lee45@purdue.edu |
This private space includes dimmed lighting, an outlet, seating, table/desk, a sink nearby, refrigerator, and window. It is lockable and has hand sanitizer/wipes. |
BIND - Room 160 | Steve Rudolph 765-496-2380 pjaustin@purdue.edu |
Includes seating, table/desk, and outlet |
Black Cultural Center (BCC) 219J - Study Room (Available until 9pm M-F) | Chia Chun Chang 765-494-3092 changcc@purdue.edu |
This private space includes outlet, seating, table/desk, sink nearby, and window. Lockable/occupied sign. There is also a refrigerator nearby. Key access is required. |
Bowen Lab (BOWN) | Kevin Brower 765-494-9370 kbrower@purdue.edu |
Space provided upon request. |
Center for Drug Discovery (DRUG) 235 - Designated Lactation Room | Stu Michael 765-494-5975 michaesd@purdue.edu |
This private space includes seating, table/desk, and a sink nearby. Lockable/occupied sign. Has outlet. Has hand sanitizer/wipes. |
Chaney-Hale Hall of Sciences (CHAS) 2039 Designated Lactation/Quiet Room | Ned Gangwer 765-494-5211 gangwern@purdue.edu |
This private space includes lockable/occupied sign, seating, table/desk, outlet, wipes/sanitizer and a sink nearby. |
Daniel Turfgrass Center (DANL) 110 | Glenn Hardebeck 765-496-6566 ghardebe@purdue.edu |
Lockable/occupied sign. Includes an outlet, seating, table/desk, a sink nearby, and window. Has sanitizer/wipes and refrigerator. |
Dauch Alumni Center (DAUC) 1198B | Michelle McBrite 765-496-3624 msmcbrite@purdue.edu |
This private space includes outlet, seating, and table/desk. Lockable /occupied sign. Hand sanitizer/wipes. Sink nearby and refrigerator nearby. Key access is required. |
Dudley Hall (DUDL) Room 2329 | Scott Sproles 765-494-5592 smsproles@purdue.edu |
This private, lockable, space includes dimmed lighting, an outlet, seating, table/desk, and a sink nearby. |
Fowler Memorial House (FWLR) 103 - Office | Penny Kelly 765-494-9511 kelly28@purdue.edu |
This private space includes dimmed lighting, outlet, seating, and table/desk. Lockable/occupied sign, sink nearby. Has hand sanitizer/wipes. Key access is required. |
France A. Cordova Recreational Sports Center (CREC) 1224 | Jeff Guingrich 765-496-1789 wguingri@purdue.edu |
This private space includes outlet, seating, table/desk, and sink nearby. Lockable/occupied sign. Has dimmed lighting and a refrigerator nearby. |
Grissom Hall (GRIS) - Room 219 | Leza Dellinger 765-494-5444 lrdellin@purdue.edu |
This private space includes an outlet, seating, and sink. Lockable. Hand sanitizer/wipes available. Has a refrigerator nearby. |
HORT - Room 329 | Eric Whitehead 765-494-1355 ericww@purdue.edu |
Fully private space includes seating, table, sink, outlet, hand sanitizer/wipes and 2 lockers. Key access is required. Lockable. |
Indiana Corn and Soybean Innovation Center/ICSC Room 1133 |
Jason Adams 765-494-2007 adams314@purdue.edu |
Fully private includes seating, lockable/occupied sign, sink, table/desk, outlet and refrigerator. Key access is required if outside hours of 7:30a-5p M-F. Has hand sanitizer/wipes. |
Kurz Purdue Technology Center (PTC) E2073 - Designated Lactation Room | Breanna Benn 765-588-3383 bebenn@prf.org |
This private space includes an outlet, seating, table/desk, hand sanitizer/wipes, and a sink nearby. Lockable occupied sign. |
Lambert Fieldhouse and Gymnasium (LAMB) 120A - Conference Room | Jon Laswell 765-494-3183 jonl@purdue.edu |
This private space includes outlet, seating, table/desk, sink nearby, refrigerator nearby, hand sanitizer/wipes and window. Lockable/occupied sign. Key access required. |
Lilly Hall of Life Sciences (LILY) 1340A - Designated Lactation Space | William Werline 765-494-8079 wwerline@purdue.edu |
This private space includes outlet, seating, sink, and table/desk. Key access required. Lockable/occupied sign. Has hand sanitizer/wipes. Refrigerator nearby. |
Lynn Hall of Veterinary Medicine (LYNN) 164A - Office | Scott Fix 765-496-8392 sfix@purdue.edu |
This private space includes an outlet, seating, and table/desk. Lockable/occupied sign. Refrigeration nearby. Has hand sanitizer/wipes. |
McCutcheon Residence Hall (MCUT) 156 - Private room outside women's restroom | Trevor Blackwood 765-496-9232 tblackwo@purdue.edu |
This private space includes an outlet, seating, table/desk, a sink nearby, refrigerator nearby, and window. |
Nelson 1257 | Brenda Pickett 765-494-8270 bpicket@purdue.edu |
This private space includes lockable/occupied sign, outlet, table/seating and window. |
Niswonger Aviation Technology Building (NISW) 218 | Darren Pauly 765 494-6103 dpauly@purdue.edu |
Full privacy, lockable/occupied sign, outlet, seating area, table/desk, sink nearby, refrigerator, window |
Patty Jischke Early Care and Education Center - Designated Lactation Room | Lucas Versprille 765-494-8904 lverspri@purdue.edu |
This private space includes dimmed lighting, outlet, seating, table/desk, sink nearby, and refrigerator nearby. Lockable/occupied sign. This space is for enrolled families only. |
Pfendler Hall of Agriculture (PFEN) 213 - Designated Lactation Room | Telaine Minnicus 765-494-3590 telaina@purdue.edu |
This private space includes outlet, seating, table/desk, and sink. Lockable/occupied signs. Has dimmed lighting. |
Purdue Graduate Student Center |
Jill Spencer 765-496-0400 spenceje@purdue.edu |
Available upon request |
Purdue University Early Care and Education Center (PUECEC) | Lucas Versprille 765-494-8904 lverspri@purdue.edu |
Lockable, full privacy, dimmed lighting, outlet, seating area, table/desk and sink nearby. |
Stewart Center (STEW) G-040 - Designated Lactation Room |
Jacinda Laymon |
This fully private space includes, lockable/occupied sign, seating, table/desk, and outlet. Key access required. Has hand sanitizer/wipes. |
Stone Hall - Room 124J | Josh Shepler 765-496-7834 sheplerj@purdue.edu |
Includes seating, table/desk, sink nearby and outlet. Lockable/occupied sign. Key access required. Full privacy |
Wang Hall (WANG), 3rd Floor Rm 3431 | Jordan Gilman 765-496-0375 jgilman@purdue.edu |
This fully private space includes an outlet, seating, table/desk, refrigerator and has a sink. Lockable/occupied sign. Has dimmed lighting. Has hand sanitizer/wipes. Key access is required. |
Westwood - Apartment above garage is compliant | Anthony Cawdron 765-494-7805 cawdron@purdue.edu |
Windsor Residence Halls - Space provided upon request | Brian Siler 765-494-2487 besiler@purdue.edu |
Space provided upon request. |
- Lactation Resources
- Lactation Support Resources