Purdue MG Manager Help Page – Extension Master Gardener Program

Purdue MG Manager Help Page

What are some benefits to reporting your hours in MG Manager?

  • Helps your MG Coordinator! Makes managing hours approvals, awarding new levels, ordering badges, record-keeping for annual MG agreements, and recruitment of volunteers for projects much easier for your County Master Gardener Coordinator and/or Purdue Extension support staff.
  • Provides Accurate Program Data! Provides a consistent system to gather accurate county and state data about the Purdue Master Gardener Program that can be reported to Purdue Extension administrators, federal, state, and county funding agencies. County MG Coordinators may print reports to give to County Commissioners, the County Extension Board, or for their own reporting responsibilities.
  • An Effective and Convenient Way to Report! For non-computer users, talk to your County MG Coordinator about other options for reporting your hours. MG Coordinators, support staff, or specially trained Purdue Master Gardeners are ready to assist you!
  • Please help us promote the impacts of the Purdue MG Program! We need Purdue Master Gardener volunteers to report their hours in this system! Only when volunteers report their hours can we show the world the true impact that you make by “Helping Others Grow” in your community! Thank you!

Purdue MG Manager Login

Tutorials and Videos

Instructions for EMG’s: Registering in MG Manager and Entering Volunteer and Education Hours 

Reporting “contacts” for volunteer hours entries in MG Manager – “Contacts” refer to the estimated number of people that MG volunteers provided home horticulture information to during an approved activity. This box on the report form must contain a number even it is zero. For some activities the number of contacts will be zero. This is okay.  It is also okay for multiple MG volunteers performing the same educational activity at an event (i.e. answering gardening questions at a county fair booth) to report the same number of “contacts”. If you have further questions about reporting contacts, please contact your County MG Coordinator.

Instructions for Purdue EMG’s on completing annual agreements (PDF)


Extension Master Gardener Program - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

© 2025 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Extension Master Gardener Program

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