Citizen Scientist Volunteer Projects – Extension Master Gardener Program

Citizen Scientist Volunteer Projects

Report all volunteer hours toward these projects in MG Manager under the “Citizen Scientist” state category and then choose the category for the project.

Report Volunteer and Education Hours HERE!

Indiana Phenology Citizen Scientist Observer Program

Hoosiers of all ages in recording the timing of leafing, flowering and fruiting of plants (aka phenology). We study the trends in the timing of these seasonal changes of plants and animals in Indiana to understand the impacts of climate change in Indiana. I’m writing to invite Purdue Extension Master Gardeners to join us in our efforts by observing and recording phenology in their gardens through the Indiana Backyard Observers program.  I think backyard observing would be an excellent volunteer opportunity for Extension Master Gardener volunteers! For people who already love to observe the plants in their yards, recording their observations for science is an easy and fun next step.

Please reach out, if you have any questions! My email is

Thank you for considering participating in this important citizen science effort to document the impacts of a changing environment on the people and ecosystems of Indiana.

Please watch the video linked below explaining Purdue EMG volunteer opportunities and find out more information about this opportunity!

Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network (CoCoRahs)

Learn more about serving as a volunteer observer for CoCoRaHS here:

Watch the recording of the introduction to program held in mid-April, 2020 here:

All volunteer observers are strongly encouraged to go through training to best understand the observational best practices that make the citizen science effort most valuable to users of the data.  Two duplicate training webinars will be held on May 7, 2020.

Visit to find connection information for these webinars!

Other helpful links:

FAQ/Help Page

Indiana CoCoRahs Coordinators

Application (U.S. citizens only)


Indiana University Herbarium Photo Scavenger Hunt

Project Updates:

IU Photo Scavenger Hunt – Update- 6-8-21

IU Herbarium Scavenger Hunt update 6-1-21

IU Herbarium Scavenger Hunt update – 4-21-21

IU Herbarium Scavenger Hunt update- 3-4-21

General Information:

Photo Scavenger Hunt Website

Consortia of Midwest Herbaria Website

Purdue EMG Reporting Guidelines for IU Herbarium Project


Extension Master Gardener Program - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

© 2025 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Extension Master Gardener Program

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