Purdue Master Gardener Program Spotlight: Hans Schmitz – Extension Master Gardener Program

Purdue Master Gardener Program Spotlight: Hans Schmitz

HansSchmitz2012February 11, 2013

It is my pleasure to present Hans Schmitz with the 2012 Purdue Master Gardener Coordinator of the Year Award!

This is the 6th year for soliciting nominations from Master Gardeners around the state to recognize their local county coordinator. The criteria for nomination included communication skills, enthusiasm, leadership, ability to delegate, sensitivity to diverse needs, and encouragement of growth and continued participation. It is always difficult to single out just one worthy candidate for recognition, as we have many very excellent coordinators on staff. But this year the Gibson County Master Gardeners worked together to nominate Hans as the Purdue Master Gardener Coordinator of the Year for all of his excellent work with their Master Gardener organization!

Hans, your Master Gardeners appreciate and admire you greatly! I want to share just a small sample of what they had to say about the wonderful work you do with Purdue Master Gardener volunteers in Gibson County:

    • “I’m personally very impressed with Hans because he pursues opportunities. The following are examples of this:
      • He emphasizes the importance of continuing education. He set a good example by his own involvement in Connect with Southern Indiana, a ten-day leadership course conducted by the University of Southern Indiana of nine southwestern Indiana counties.
      • He encourages us to have a positive impact on our community by undertaking challenging leadership roles. An example, from his own career, is his recent three-week trip to Ethiopia where he trained nuns and high school orphans in dairy management.
      • His educator skills were sorely tested when, at the very last minute, he was able to fill-in for a major presenter at an all-day educational seminar in Gibson County for Master Gardeners.”
    • “Hans is very knowledgeable, easy to relate to, willing to provide guidance, gives us encouragement, and shows sincere concern in all aspects of the Gibson County Master Gardeners.”
    • “He sets a good example for all our members, as well as for Gibson County citizens of all ages and interests. Hans never makes us feel inferior in any way, and leads with strength and enthusiasm.”
    • The Gibson County Master Gardeners described Hans’ achievements and leadership abilities in the following way:
      • Positive Attributes: Friendly, enthusiastic, energetic, and knowledgeable, treating everyone with dignity and respect. They described Hans as a “caring leader” and they shared that “he motivates the members to be more involved in the community”.
      • Delegating Responsibilities: He encourages the members to be involved in group decisions, setting annual goals, and selecting special projects.
      • Advanced Education: He encourages Gibson County Master Gardeners to attend area and state training seminars in order to expand their knowledge and understanding of horticultural topics, helping them to be better equipped to serve as Purdue Master Gardeners.
      • Sensitive to Diverse Interests: Gibson County Master Gardeners say Hans is very aware of the diverse backgrounds and interests of the members. He encourages them to be open to different points of view including a willingness to gather and listen to new ideas and inputs.
      • Personal Growth: Hans always informs the Gibson County Master Gardeners of new Purdue research and encourages them to be receptive to new information and ideas.
    • Ultimately Gibson County Master Gardeners say this about Hans and his leadership ability, “through his guidance we constantly work to maintain the positive impact Master Gardeners have on our community”.

Congratulations Hans on this well-deserved commendation from your dedicated force of Purdue Master Gardener volunteers! It is clear that you are loved and appreciated!

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Extension Master Gardener Program - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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