Virtual Purdue Extension Master Gardener Basic Training – Statewide – Extension Master Gardener Program

Virtual Purdue Extension Master Gardener Basic Training – Statewide

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022

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Date(s) - 02/01/2022
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Registration is now CLOSED! 

The Purdue Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Program will hold a statewide virtual Extension Master Basic Gardener Training on Tuesdays, February 1 through May 3, 2022, from 6:30-8:30 PM ET / 5:30-7:30 PM CT via live webinars. Final exam given after May 3.  There will also be a weekly local connection hour with your county’s Extension Master Gardener coordinator. The day, time, and place for the local connection hour will be determined by your county’s EMG coordinator and could be in person, a virtual web meeting, or a combination of both.

Please note: Attendance at the live scheduled statewide webinars and county connections is required to complete the EMG Basic Training. Watching recorded sessions for an unexpected absence(s) should be discussed with the hosting EMG County Coordinator.

Tentative Statewide Webinar Schedule

January 25 Test Connect Session (optional) – test your connection and become familiar with WebEx
February 1 Purdue EMG Orientation
February 8 Plant Science
February 15 Soils and Plant Nutrition
February 22 Invasive Species
March 1 Plant Disease Diagnosis
March 8 Weed ID and Control
March 15 Insect ID and Control
March 22 Animal Pests
March 29 Pesticide Safety and Alternatives
April 5 Herbaceous Ornamentals
April 12 Woody Ornamentals
April 19 Fruit Gardening
April 26 Lawn Care
May 3 Vegetable Gardening
After May 3 Final Exam, post-test, and post-program survey

Steps for Participating in the Training

Step 1: Application (Application deadline is January 11, 2022.)

Contact a hosting EMG County Coordinator and they will send you the application information (see below). If you don’t see your county listed, you may be able to complete the training through a nearby county and transfer to your home county to volunteer.

Registration is now CLOSED!

Step 2: Registration and Fees (Once your application is approved, you will receive registration and payment information from your host EMG County Coordinator.)

  • $180.00 (pending final approval) for an individual registration with print version of Purdue EMG Manual.
  • $280.00 (pending final approval) for two people sharing a print version of the Purdue EMG Manual, both will need application approval prior to registering and paying.
  • Participants will be able to purchase a digital version of the manual for an additional $25.00.

Purdue Extension Host Counties and Contacts

If you have questions, please contact

Download the Flyer.

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Extension Master Gardener Program - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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