Jon Cain Retires After 26 Years with Purdue Extension – Extension Master Gardener Program

Jon Cain Retires After 26 Years with Purdue Extension

Pictured from left to right: Rosie Lenihan, Hendricks County MG President, Jon Cain, Extension Educator, and John Orick, Purdue MG State Coordinator

Pictured from left to right: Rosie Lenihan, Hendricks County MG President, Jon Cain, Extension Educator, and John Orick, Purdue MG State Coordinator

Jon Cain, Extension Educator and MG Coordinator, Hendricks County has set his retirement for August 29, 2014. Jon started his career as a vocational agriculture teacher in Wabash County followed by time working for the USDA, Indiana University- Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), and Indiana University-Kokomo (IUK). At IUPUI and at IUK, Jon worked in continuing education programs, off-campus programs, scholarship, and career development. Jon began his career with Purdue Extension in Brown County where he served as Extension Educator, Ag/Natural Resources (ANR) for 8 years followed by 3 years in Bartholomew County. Jon actually started the Master Gardener programs in both Brown and Bartholomew counties. He has served as Extension Educator, ANR, in Hendricks County for 15 years where he has coordinated a very active Master Gardener program. Hendricks County MG volunteers contributed over 4,300 hours in 2013.

Rosie Lenihan, Hendricks County MG President, thanks Jon Cain, Extension Educator, for his years of service during the Hendricks County MG Association meeting on August 19, 2014.

Rosie Lenihan, Hendricks County MG President, thanks Jon Cain, Extension Educator, for his years of service during the Hendricks County MG Association meeting on August 19, 2014.

Jon has contributed to the MG program statewide by serving on the Purdue MG Leadership IBAT Advisory Team formed to develop and launch Purdue Master Gardeners…Growing Through Leadership.

Jon’s service to the Purdue Master Gardener Program is appreciated! I’m sure Hendricks County Master Gardeners will miss him!

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Extension Master Gardener Program - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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