Welcome Dennis Gustavo Toc Mo – HLA Happenings

Welcome Dennis Gustavo Toc Mo

Headshot of Dennis Gustavo Toc Mo.

Dennis Gustavo Toc Mo, a visiting scholar from Guatemala, joined the Langenhoven Lab on April 3rd. His internship will mainly focus on the Soil to Market project we are currently implementing. Dennis was born in northern Guatemala. In 2020 he obtained a BSc. degree in Agricultural Sciences and Production from the University of Zamorano. In the last two years, he worked with farmers to develop crop protection products in different regions of Guatemala. In the process, he learned about managing different crops such as melons, green beans, tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes. Dennis says that “he is very happy to be at Purdue, and he hopes to learn a lot.” “I am grateful for the opportunity. It will contribute immensely to my academic and professional growth.”

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