Vicki Stirm to Introduce Latinx 8th Graders to Horticulture – HLA Happenings

Vicki Stirm to Introduce Latinx 8th Graders to Horticulture

On June 2nd, in conjunction with the College of Ag. Office of Multicultural Programming (OMP), C-PASA (Cargill – Purdue Agribusiness and Science Academy), and Indiana’s Juntos 4-H program, Vicki Stirm will be presenting a short program focusing on minorities in Horticulture. The students are Latinx and in the 8th grade. She will introduce them to what our department has to offer, then do a short horticulture-related activity with the students. There will be a total of approximately 50 students (and 13 leaders) and will be divided into 4 groups.

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